[討論] 華納擁有的香港電影片單(英文片名翻譯)

作者: boschno1 (佳祐)   2017-07-11 21:19:07
List of titles:
001 02:00 AM. 夜半兩點鐘
002 24 hours ghost story. 猛鬼通宵陪住你
003 A Chinese legend. 追日
004 A roof with a view. 天台的月光
005 A terracotta warrior. 秦俑、古今大戰秦俑情
006 The age of miracles : a.k.a. Four season, Mr. Troublesome麻麻帆帆
007 Always be the winner. 神龍賭聖之旗開得勝
008 And now you're dead : a.k.a. Enter the eagles渾身是膽
009 The avenger.
010 Awakening. 鬼迷心竅
011 Banana spirit. 精靈變
012 Basic impulse. 情不自禁II霎時衝動
013 Best of best. 摩登龍爭虎鬥
014 Best of the best. 飛虎雄心2傲氣比天高
015 Big bullet. 衝鋒隊─怒火街頭
016 The big score. 絕橋智多星
017 Blade of fury. 一刀傾城
018 The blade. 刀
019 Blind romance. 偷偷愛妳、新與龍共舞之偷偷愛你
020 Blood reincarnation. 陰陽界
021 Blue train of romance. 中俄列車大劫案
022 The boxers adventure. 神拳霸腿追魂手
023 Bruce Lee's secret. 詠春與截拳
024 Butterfly lovers : a.k.a. The lovers. 梁祝
025 Champion operations. 哈林行動
026 Chase a thousand miles.
027 Christ of Nanjing. 南京的基督、就在天旋地轉間
028 The crane. 飛鶴
029 The criminal hunter. 龍虎智多星
030 Cross road. 十字路口
031 The day that doesn't exist. 二月三十
032 Days of being dumb. 亞飛與亞基
033 Deadly gold : a.k.a. Golden cop. 踩過界
034 Devil killer. 黑色大亨
035 Disco fever. 油脂甲由
036 Doctor Mack. 流氓醫生
037 Dog Ann's revenge. 盲女與狗
038 Don't give a damn. 冇面俾、摩登笑探
039 Downtown torpedoes. 神偷諜影
040 Dragon fight. 龍在天涯
041 Dream of the red chamber. 新紅樓夢
042 Drunken master II. 醉拳II
043 The Edler master.
044 Encounter of spooky kind II. 鬼咬鬼
045 The enigma of love. 飛越謎情
046 Enter the fat dragon. 肥龍過江
047 Escape to hell : a.k.a. Never say regret. 無悔行動
048 The escape. 忍 (1972)
049 Extreme crisis. B計劃
050 Fascinating affair. 花心紅杏
051 Feel 100%. 百分百感覺
052 Feel 100%, once more. 百分百啱FEEL
053 Final option. 飛虎雄心
054 First strike : a.k.a. Story of CIA, police story IV. 警察故事4之簡單任務
055 The first time. 第一次
056 Force nightmare. 嘩鬼旅行團
057 The funny vampire. 大家發財
058 Ghost busting. 捉鬼有限公司(嘩鬼有限公司)
059 The girl named Iron Phoenix. 古靈精怪女煞星
060 Girls unbutton : a.k.a. Goodtime girls. 不扣鈕的女孩
061 Green green meadow. 青青草原上
062 Growing up. 人細鬼大
063 Happy heaven.
064 Happy hour. 歡樂時光
065 Haunted karaoke. 猛鬼卡拉OK
066 He ain't heavy, he's my father. 新難兄難弟
067 Heaven can't wait. 救世神棍
068 Her fatal ways IV. 表姐,妳好野!4
069 Her judgement day. 剃刀情人
070 He's a woman, she's a man. 金枝玉葉
071 Hold you tight. 愈快樂愈墮落
072 The Holy Robe of Shaolin Temple. 木棉袈裟
073 How deep is your love? : a.k.a Big neon lights. 霓紅光管高高掛女子公寓
074 I'm your birthday cake. 不道德的禮物
075 The imp. 孽慾追擊檔案之邪殺
076 The imperial princess : a.k.a. The imperious princess. 金枝玉葉(1980)
077 The imprudent Iron Phoenix. 橫衝直撞女煞星
078 Incredible kung fu mission : a.k.a. Fighting kung fu students. 師兄師弟齊
079 Into the fire. 烈火街頭
080 I've got you, Babe. 播種情人
081 Kitchen. 我愛廚房
082 Kung fu from the north.
083 Last song in Paris. 偶然
084 Latino encounter : a.k.a. Run. 仙人掌
085 Legal innocence. 溶屍奇案
086 The legend of an erotic movie star. 北妹皇后
087 License to steal. 龍鳳賊捉賊
088 Love in the time of twilight. 花月佳期
089 Love of the swindler : a.k.a. The lovers. 千王情人
090 Lover's tear. 誓不忘情
091 Mafia vs. ninja. 洪門鬥惡者
092 Masked justice : a.k.a. Midnight angel. 午夜天使 (1990)
093 Mean street story. 廟街故事
094 Mirage. 海市蜃樓
095 Money maker. 贏錢專家
096 Morning goodbye. 浪(早晨再見)
097 Mr. Nice Guy. 一個好人
098 Mr. Vampire 1992. 新殭屍先生
099 My neighbours are phantoms. 嘩鬼住正隔籬
100 Old soldier never dies. 問你怕未
101 Once a cop : a.k.a. Project S. 超級計劃
102 Once in a life-time : a.k.a. Marriage is a life
作者: StephonA (孤獨狼)   2017-07-12 01:22:00
哇 好多根本是沒看過 不會曉得的英文片名吧~?建議可以轉港片板看看 那邊不少資深影迷
作者: boschno1 (佳祐)   2017-07-12 02:36:00
作者: jayriver (jayriver)   2017-07-12 08:25:00
應該也沒有到兩千年前啦~~ Just kidding~ ^^
作者: pilifonbao (臺灣獨立)   2017-07-16 21:05:00

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