September 4
團隊及地城 Raids and Dungeons
時光漫遊 Timewalking
剛德拉克 Gundrak
* 修正一個導致時光漫遊中,蓋爾達拉及『兇猛』埃克的拾取表格錯置的問題。
* Fixed an issue where the loot tables for Gal'darah and Eck the Ferocious
got swapped while Timewalking.
一般 General
* 修正一個導致玩家於傭兵模式下,不會正確變形成對方陣營的問題。
* 玩家於傭兵契約的效果下,現在能於競技場練習戰、積分競技場對戰或積分戰場
* 修正一個導致於戰場內,積分戰場陣營光環未正確施放的問題。
* Fixed an issue where players were not transforming correctly into the
opposite faction in Mercenary Mode.
* Players with the Mercenary Contract effect should now be able to use
faction mounts while in an Arena Skirmish, Rated Arena match, or Rated
* Fixed an issue where Rated Battleground faction auras were incorrectly
applied while in the Arena.
修理蟲子 Bug Fixes
* 修正一個導致部分角色無法完成獎勵目標的問題。
* Fixed an issue where some characters were unable to complete bonus