Re: [閒聊] 官方回應鏡頭問題(但最遠距離他不想多說

作者: yukinoba (打爆那隻波利!)   2016-07-28 09:16:39
※ 引述《arcross (阿插)》之銘言:
: 幹你PTT好卡打個字要5秒,不想翻譯了只好隨便抓幾個重點...
: 官網原文:
: 大概就是...
: 有頭暈小隊來確保玩家玩遊戲不會頭暈不舒服。
: 鏡頭最遠距離的影響最明顯,但這篇先不談。
: 提了幾個正在解決的頭暈問題。
: 如果你覺得鏡頭讓你不舒服就回報當下的情況吧,最好附個照片或影片。
: First and foremost, please know that this is a topic of discussion and
: development across multiple teams here. We have teammates who are sensitive
: to motion sickness. We care very much about making sure playing our game doesn
: ’t make you – or them – feel unwell.
: Although the maximum camera distance changes are the most immediately
: noticeable, there were several less-apparent changes made to how the camera
: functions in the pre-expansion patch, and we’ve already identified some
: cases where those changes may be causing issues. Here’s a few examples:
: We’ve found an issue with camera shake effects, which we’re currently
: working to hotfix (if you’ve run Bloodmaul Slag Mines since the patch, you’
: ve likely noticed this one).
: There was a systemic change to our graphical renderer which changes the way
: FoV is calculated. Manually resizing the viewable game area (which is usually
: done via “viewport” addons) may be affecting the game camera differently
: than before. We have identified the cause of this issue and are actively
: addressing it.
: We’re also tracking down some vehicle-related camera bugs.
: We believe that underlying issues like these are the actual source of many of
: the motion sickness concerns. To that end, if you find yourself feeling ill
: in-game, examples of where you were and what you were doing at the time would
: be very useful for helping us track down exactly what’s causing the issue,
: especially if you can provide video footage so that we can see what the
: camera was doing at the time.
: This issue is very important to us, and we’re working hard on investigating
: and correcting it as quickly as possible. Any examples you can send us are
: very much appreciated.
: Thank you very much.
作者: ChrisDavis (工業電風扇)   2016-07-28 09:25:00
作者: sarevork (蚰梜黎h郎)   2016-07-28 09:26:00
更本就是BZ自己蠢 遊戲風格不同硬要搞個動態鏡頭然後選單又不給設定
作者: windwater77 (恋は渾沌の隷也)   2016-07-28 09:33:00
作者: ecat (親親愛愛親愛的)   2016-07-28 09:59:00
作者: lpb (Θ_Θ)   2016-07-28 10:09:00
作者: sarevork (蚰梜黎h郎)   2016-07-28 10:11:00
是有人抱怨說距離被鎖了害他常常3D暈BZ跳出來說和距離被鎖無關 是其他巴拉巴拉之類的
作者: lpb (Θ_Θ)   2016-07-28 10:13:00
作者: scott414   2016-07-28 10:17:00
暴雪的想法是 既然無關 幹麼解鎖 解了你還是暈
作者: sarevork (蚰梜黎h郎)   2016-07-28 10:18:00
鎖鏡頭的目的和頭暈本來就無關阿 是有玩家硬拉再一起所以哪會矛盾?
作者: henry1234562 (亨利二十三)   2016-07-28 10:20:00
既然跟暈無關 那當然沒必要解鎖啊
作者: b52618 (put)   2016-07-28 10:33:00
作者: incKevin (南方龜龜BAND)   2016-07-28 10:36:00
推文各種鬼打牆 XDDDD
作者: ccode (廢柴)   2016-07-28 10:37:00
作者: teason (茶子)   2016-07-28 11:19:00
奇怪 我從設定那邊條 可以拉得比以前更遠耶
作者: jerfu (花特先生)   2016-07-28 11:20:00
現在近距離鏡頭也不給了 不能拍坐騎或是套裝只能故意去站在牆角旁邊才會有特寫鏡頭
作者: Burdened (黑色便利商店)   2016-07-28 11:21:00
把動態鏡頭造成暈 跟鎖距離 弄混了吧 跟玩CS一樣暈啊
作者: txaxtatxa (孟浪有點累了,想說玩看[)   2016-07-28 11:55:00
作者: kcball   2016-07-28 12:44:00
作者: ccode (廢柴)   2016-07-28 13:18:00
作者: asukaka (阿酥咔咔)   2016-07-28 14:23:00
作者: jack21023 (就叫我科科)   2016-07-28 14:34:00
跟之前用巨集調整的 現在的"最遠"沒有比之前還遠
作者: yomiko (読子)   2016-07-28 14:45:00
作者: ccl007 (.......)   2016-07-28 15:07:00
以前可以到3.4 現在只能到1.9 會說現在更遠的 我想你大概沒有用過內建指令
作者: altcd (這是個盲從的年代~)   2016-07-28 15:21:00
作者: jackz (呦呵呵)   2016-07-28 15:32:00
我知道鏡頭無法更遠拉 但是為什麼會暈阿
作者: moccabranco   2016-07-28 16:34:00
對遠近無感 至少要平常就看到的自己的塑形才滿意
作者: Hylun (Wiz細倫)   2016-07-28 17:59:00
現在還是很遠啊 太遠玩起來有點空虛
作者: sniper2824 (月夜)   2016-07-28 19:12:00
最好是現在很遠 只能看到王屁股叫遠
作者: asukaka (阿酥咔咔)   2016-07-28 19:34:00
我爬文了一下,所以大家平常打團都拉到人物頭上的字會看不清楚那樣?我覺得1.9就好遠了= =
作者: sarevork (蚰梜黎h郎)   2016-07-28 19:51:00
作者: asukaka (阿酥咔咔)   2016-07-28 19:59:00
soga 大概是我都玩補 只盯UI QQ
作者: aitoyitz (ToyitzEX)   2016-07-29 13:17:00

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