Re: [閒聊] WRC 官方 quiz time!!

作者: j5a6s7o8n ( 麵線宗 )   2013-01-26 10:24:53
※ 引述《j5a6s7o8n ( 麵線宗 )》之銘言:
: 原文在此!!!(中文翻譯僅供參考)
: 1: Why didn't Francois Delecour drive through the final stage of Rallye
: Monte-Carlo?
: 為什麼老車手 Francois Delecour 沒有在蒙地卡羅駕駛最後一個stage?
因為他的副駕駛搭擋 Dominique Savignoni 計畫跑完這站後要退休,所以交給他跑
: 2: Who is pictured driving a Ford Fiesta RS WRC on Philips Rally Argentina and
: why?
: 在照片中在阿根廷站駕駛 Ford 賽車的人是誰? 為什麼是他?
Dani Sordo, 他代替受傷的 Jari-Matti Latvala 上陣
: 3: What kept Nasser Al-Attiyah away from the rallies in New Zealand and
: Finland?
: 為什麼 Nasser Al-Attiyah 不參加紐西蘭跟芬蘭站?
: 4: Which drivers took Al-Attiyah's place in the Qatar World Rally Team on
: those events?
: 有誰在紐西蘭跟芬蘭站時幫 Nasser Al-Attiyah 代班?
Thierry Neuville 代班紐西蘭站, Chris Atkinson 代班芬蘭站
: 5: Who won the WRC's first Qualifying Stage?
: 誰贏了 WRC 的第一個 Qualifying Stage?
Jari-Matti Latvala in 2012瑞典站
: 6: How many drivers were in contention for the Production Car world title on
: the final round in Spain?
: 在最終站-西班牙站有多少車手爭奪 P-WRC 的世界冠軍頭銜?
6個(Guerra, Kosciuszko, Gorban, Fuchs, Ligato, Aksa)
: 7: A WRC rookie likened his debut in the series to the film Cool Runnings. Can
: you name him?
: 有位 WRC 新人說他的初次亮相像是 癲瘋總動員(Cool Runnings) 中的情節,他是誰?
John Powell. (同為牙買加人的心路歷程)
: 8: Who won more stages on RallyRACC-Rally de Espana - event winner Sebastien
: Loeb or local hero Dani Sordo?
: Sebastien Loeb 跟 Dani Sordo 中誰在西班牙站中贏最多stage?
Dani Sordo (6段, Loeb 4段)
: 9: Chris Atkinson drove three different types of car in the 2012 WRC. Name
: them?
: Chris Atkinson 在今年駕駛過三種車型的賽車,分別是?
Ford Fiesta RS WRC, Citroen DS3 WRC, MINI John Cooper Works WRC
: 10: What record did Eliseo Salazar set when he entered Philips Rally Argentina
: in a MINI John Cooper Works WRC?
: Eliseo Salazar 駕駛 Mini 在阿根廷站創下了什麼記錄? (除了只有他駕駛Mini得分外)
第一位有跑過WRC賽站, F1摩納哥站, 印地500大賽, 利曼24大賽跟達卡拉力的人
: 11: Who said: "I am willing to drive for free, but at this point, I will not
: pay to drive. This is not to say that you will never again see me in a WRC
: car."
: "我會說我願意免費駕駛,但在這一點上,我將不會當付費車手。這也不是說你將永遠
: 不會在WRC看到我賽車" 誰說了這句話?
Petter Solberg (保重..)
: 12: Why was Matthew Wilson unable to take part on Rally Sweden?
: 為何 Matthew Wilson 不能在瑞典站出賽?
: 13:Of all the co-drivers in the WRC, which one would rising star Sebastien
: Chardonnet turn to for advice?
: 在所有 WRC 副駕駛中,誰被建議要跟新秀 Sebastien Chardonnet 搭檔?
Daniele Elena (在新聞中提到)
: 14: Name the driver who said this: “The San Francisco guys were very
: accommodating and let me slide in the car in the streets for real.”
: "舊金山的人們非常的接納我,讓我在真實的街道上滑行奔馳" 誰說了這句話?
Ken Block (拍他的街道拉力表演影片)
: 15: What's Paulo Nobre’s favourite football team?
: Paulo Nobre 喜愛的球隊是?
Palmeiras (今年降到巴西乙的綠巨人-帕梅拉斯,看wiki上寫 Nobre 是球隊經理!!!!)
: 16: The five-year anniversary of the death of which former world rally
: champion
: was marked on 15 September?
: 今年九月十五日是哪一位前 WRC 冠軍的逝世五週年紀念日?
Colin McRae (1995WC 詳細細節在本版有文章)
: 17: What did Jarkko Nikara resort to selling to fund his seat with Prodrive on
: RallyRACC-Rally de Espana?
: Jarkko Nikara 憑藉賣哪些東西來獲得 Prodrive 車隊在西班牙站的席位?
廢舊金屬 (WRC之路艱辛啊)
: 18: Which WRC stage winner switched from four wheels to two for the Baja 1000
: event in Mexico?
: 哪一位 WRC 單段勝者在墨西哥時參加 Baja 1000?
Kris Meeke (在OVER組以40:38:20完賽, 排名第18)
: 19: What feat did Sebastien Ogier achieve on Rally Italia Sardegna?
: 在義大利站時 Sebastien Ogier 創下什麼壯舉?
在Super 2000車中每一段都是最速男!
: 20: What's the nationality of Citroen Racing boss Yves Matton?
: Citroen 車隊老闆 Yves Matton 是哪國人?
: 21: Who came to Jari-Matti Latvala's aid when he broke his collarbone
: cross-country skiing back in April?
: Jari-Matti Latvala 在四月越野滑雪出事骨折時, 誰來援助他?
(他出事後打電話跟在滑雪山莊的媽媽求救, 隨後送至小醫院照X光)
: 22: Why did the factory Ford Fiesta RS WRCs get a lick of paint for Neste Oil
: Rally Finland?
: 為何在芬蘭站時廠隊的 Ford Fiesta RS WRC 有新塗裝?
宣傳他們的環保車款 Ford EcoBoost
: 23: Where did Citroen score its first one-two finish of 2012 and where did it
: score its last one-two finish of 2012?
: Citroen 今年的第一次跟最後一次單站冠亞軍是各在哪一站?
第一次在墨西哥, 最後一次在芬蘭
: 24: Who said on Rally Italia Sardegna: “I was pushing really, really hard but
: it was a little mistake in the notes in a corner.”
: "我非常非常地拼,但有一個彎在路書上有些錯誤" 誰在義大利站說了這句話?
Sebastien Loeb (在轉錯彎出軌之後訪問時說的)
: 25: Two drivers from Qatar scored WRC points in 2012. Nasser Al-Attiyah was
: one. Can you name the other?
: 有兩位車手今年在 Qatar 車隊有獲得積分. 一位是Nasser Al-Attiyah, 那另一位是?
Abdulaziz Alkuwari (在希臘站駕駛Mini出賽奪得第十)

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