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10 Aug 45
Japan surrenders unconditionally by stating, "The Japanese Government are
ready to accept the terms enumerated in the joint declaration which was
issued at Potsdam on July 26, 1945..." However, the Japanese response
contained a condition affirming the perogatives of the Emperor as a sovereign
11 Aug 45
James F. Bryne, U.S. Secretary of State, responded to the Japanese that the
surrender was to be unconditional, per the Potsdam declaration.
14 Aug 45
The Japanese Government agree to unconditional surrender per the Potsdam
19 Aug 45
At a spontaneous non-communist meeting in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh and the Viet
Minh assumed a leading role in the movement to wrest power from the French.
With the Japanese still in control of Indochina, Bao Dai went along because
he thought that the Viet Minh were working with the OSS and could guarantee
independence for Vietnam..
Aug 45
Vietnam's puppet emperor, Bao Dai, abdicates.
1945年8月 越南的魁儡皇帝保大帝退位
Aug 45
Ho Chi Minh's guerrillas occupy Hanoi and proclaim a provisional government
in the North of Vietnam.
2 Sep 45
On the deck of the U.S.S. Missouri in Tokyo Bay, Japanese representatives
sign the Instrument of Surrender proclaiming their unconditional surrender.
2 Sep 45
Chinese Nationalists accept surrender of Japanese Occupation Forces north of
the 16th parallel.
2 Sep 45
The British are to accept surrender south of the line under British Major
General Douglas Gracey's 20th Indian Division, some 26,000 men in all.
British General Gracey arrives in Siagon (South Vietnam) which is in turmoil.
2 Sep 45
The Communist dominated Viet Minh Independence League with support from
United States officials seizes power: Ho Chi Minh establishes the Government
of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (GRDV) in Hanoi, and issues his
Declaration of Independence, drawing heavily upon the American Declaration of
Independence as well as Sun Yatsen's "Three-people Doctrine".
2 Sep 45
Emperor Bao Dai abdicates
1945/9/2 保大帝退位
2 Sep 45
Ho Chi Minh writes several letters to US President Harry Truman requesting
recognition, citing the Atlantic Charter and then the United Nations Charter
on self-determination. He received no response.
Sep 45
The head of the OSS mission in Saigon, COL Peter Dewey, is shot by the Viet
Minh, becoming the first American to die in the Viet Nam war.
22 Sep 45
The British release 1,400 French Paratroop POWs from Japanese camps around
Saigon. With some of the 20,000 French citizens living there, the French
riot, killing Viet Minh suspects and ordinary Vietnamese civilians in Saigon.
The defeated Japanese forces are re-armed to assist and restore order. The
Viet Minh respond by calling a national strike and organize a guerrilla
campaign against the French.
23 Sep 45
French troops return to Vietnam and clash with Communist and Nationalist
forces and seize power in the south, with British help.
24 Sep 45
General Jacque Philippe Leclerc arrives in Siagon and declares, " We have
come to claim our inheritance". The first Indo-China War of 1946 - 1954, had
Oct 1945
October A purely bilateral British/French agreement recognizes French
administration of the southern zone.
Oct 45
In the North 180,000 Chinese troops go on a "rampage". Ho's Viet Minh are
hopelessly ill-equipped to deal with it. Ho Chi Minh accepts an Allied
compromise for temporary return of 15,000 French troops to rid the North of
anti-Communists. The Chinese troops of Chiang flee to Taiwan, looting as they
As World War II ends, starvation kills over 1 million Vietnamese.
更別提我也不知道為何這篇裡面保大帝要退位兩次 (好像是有退位兩次?) ,