scoMico (測試)
2016-11-29 22:28:03其實不是純Buff只是總體看起來私以為是變舒服
瑞典TD Hot Buff來源:https://goo.gl/nyp0jY
Good day everyone,
A small update to the test server today.
33.3MB for the SD client with 12.4MB added to that for the HD client.
So straight from the RU portal...
Strv 103:
-The time to enter siege mode is reduced from 2.5 to 2 seconds, exit time is reduced from 2.5 to 1.25 seconds
切換成攻擊模式所需時間從 2.5秒 減少到 2秒 切換回移動模式時間從 2.5秒 減少到 1.25秒
-Reload time is now independent of the mode
裝填時間與所處模式無關 (攻擊模式下變鬼神DPM掰掰)
-The accuracy at 100 meters in siege mode is increased from 0.2 to 0.3 meters
攻擊模式中的100米偏移量從 0.2米 增加到 0.3米
-Reload time is done independent of the mode and is 9 seconds guns 10.5cm kan strv 103 L/51 and 10.5cm kan strv 103 L/62
裝填時間不論模式都是9秒 兩管炮管皆然 (那個鬼俄翻英...只能這樣推測了)
-Variation after firing is increased from 3 to 18m to 100m
#要是armored patrol有做同樣的消息的話我再補準確內容