- Storm states that multicore support will not strongly influence game
Storm 表示支援多核並不會對遊戲表現帶來重大影響
- Storm states that the supertest patchnotes are not final: “there is a long
way to go till the patch goes live”
Storm 表示超測的改版內容並非最終版:「在上線之前還有很長的路」
- regarding the “hidden Sherman nerf” in 9.0, it was intended, but Storm
states that the fact it did not appear in patchnotes first was a mistake of
the program, that generates the list of tank changes for the patchnotes. They
fixed it and Storm hopes it won’t repeat itself.
9.0 中故意"偷"砍 M4,Storm 表示這改動一開始沒出現在改版內容中是程式錯誤造成的。
已修改,且 Storm 希望不會再發生。
- a player asked that there are rumors about a mod, that actually makes the
game display tank silhouette even beyond the official render range, Storm
replies that that would be possible only if the mod actually takes the tank
position beyond the render range from the minimap, eg. such mod won’t
display tank and turret orientation
傳言說有一種神奇的MOD可以讓在繪圖範圍外的敵軍現形;Storm 表示繪圖範圍外的敵軍位
- regarding sharp FPS drops with the shadows enabled: “Shadows eat resources
and that’s something we can’t do anything about”
開啟陰影會造成 FPS 急降:「陰影效果很吃資源,這沒法度」
- Storm confirms that there are sharp FPS drop issues (“freezes”) after a
tank is discovered (SS: “lit up” – probably meant when an enemy tank is
discovered), they are working on a fix
Storm 證實在新點亮敵軍時會有程式卡住的問題,正在修正。
- Yurko2F states that there is no need to be hysterical about the nerfs,
players should try the nerfed vehicles first on the test, a lot of parameters
did not change
Yurko2F 表示在實際玩到結果之前,不需要看到車輛被 nerf 就抓狂,有很多參數沒改。
- statistically, when considering tank buff or nerf, results of players with
winrates from 45 percent to 65 percent are taken into account, this range is
also internally divided for statistics purposes
在考慮 buff 或 nerf 車的時候,數據上只會參考勝率在 45~65 間的玩家表現。
- when balancing tanks, the most important category of players WG aims at are
“daddies” (SS: a Russian general term for men, who come home from work and
want to spend a few battles in WoT, eg. not schoolkids or students)
平衡時,WG 是以上班族為主要玩家族群做考量(下班回來後打個幾場消遣,而非長時間遊
- Storm states that roughly 10-20 percent of shots fired are gold rounds,
these statistics are very dependent on tank measured and vary wildly from
tank to tank
Storm 表示大約有一至二成的開砲數是發射金彈,這數據因車而易而且差異很大。
- Borsig is going to get nerfed
Borsig 未來會被砍
- apparently, some form of player education (tutorial?) is still planned
- when aiming at long distances via sniper mode, tanks sometimes move by “
jerking” and “twitching” (SS: as in “teleporting short distances”), this
is according to Storm not a glitch, at such distances the tank coordinates
are transmitted by server less often to save traffic, it will stay the way it
is (it is not a problem of client, but WG datacenters would not handle
increased traffic)
狙擊模式下瞄準遠距離目標時,有時敵人會瞬移或忽快忽慢;據 Storm 說法,這不是程式
但 WG 的資料中心處理不來太大的網路流量)
- Storm personally picked the blue color for teamkillers :)
TK 者變成「藍」名是 Storm 個人的決定。
- apparently there are no plans for new tier 8 premiums in 9.1
9.1 不會有新的八階金車
- multiturret mechanism – not this year, it has really low priority
- the “damage blocked by armor” statistic is bugged (specifically, spaced
armor apparently doesn’t count), it will be fixed
- developers considered reworking the arty aim circle to include the gun
開發人員正考慮重製 SPG 的準心,以納入射界資訊。
- 9.1 will bring many small optimization fixes, but no big ones
9.1 會有很多小優化,但沒有大改動。
- RU251 German LT8 will come this year in the same patch as the US light tanks
- tier 8 light tanks will be buffed
八階輕坦也會被 Buff
- Storm states that despite the TD class bonus for camo after a shot will be
removed (SS: eg. 128mm L/55 will remove the same number of camouflage on E-75
as on Borsig), Borsig will still be harder to spot, because it’s smaller
Storm 表示就算砍掉了 TD 開砲時的職業加成,Borsig 仍很難被發現(因為剪影小)
- T-35 will appear in very distant future, when there is the multiturret
T-35 會隨著多砲塔機制,在遙~遠~的未來推出。
(譯者:WT 的展示影片
- there will be no new big features in 9.1, WG is still dealing with fixing
the issues from 9.0, there will be new shooting sounds though
9.1 不會有重大的新功能,WG 仍在幫 9.0 擦屁股。但會有新的開砲聲。