- Storm confirms that pre-9.1 average damage done won’t count towards the
kill marks introduced in 9.1
Storm 證實「卓越印記 」不會採計 9.1 之前的數據。
- you’ll have to play at least 100+ battles to get a kill mark
- Storm doesn’t like comic book movies, he only liked Nolan’s Batman
- T40 camo factor after shooting was seriously overbuffed (in 9.0, it could
be detected at 350 meters, in 9.1, it will be detected at 378m when shooting.
To compare – Borsig in 9.0 – 354m, in 9.1 – 364m)
T40 的開砲後隱蔽值超級op(9.0 版,350m 內才能點亮,9.1 改成 378m。
做個比較:Borsig 在 9.0,354m;9.1 版,364m。)
- Storm confirms there will not be an option to pick two gun soundset (the
game client would get too big and too much testing would be required)
Storm 證實不會有兩組砲聲(檔案會太大且工作太多)。
- Storm states that in the future, various sounds for various guns will be
implemented, current test serves to confirm the general direction the sounds
are taking (Overlord confirms this: “They are using what we’ve recorded so
far. In future there can be a mixture of recorded and created/tuned sounds.
Checking the feedback for now.”)
Storm 表示不同的砲會實裝不同的砲聲,目前的測試服只是在試水溫。
- Storm states that a lot of time is spent on testing the bug fixes for all
the regions (currently, six regions)
Storm 表示他們花很多時間在測試程式在不同地區會有的錯誤(目前有六個區域)
- Wargaming apparently started a new department: “optimization department”,
work on optimizing the game will not stop
WG 成立了新的「最佳化部門」,持續將程式最佳化。
- Storm confirms that he and SerB don’t have enough time to answer the
developer questions in the “classic” thread on RU forums anymore, that’s
why there are so few
Storm 證實 SerB 目前沒時間回答論上的問題
- crew role change (SS: radioman to driver for example) will come (when it’s
done it’s done)
- more game stability enhancers will be introduced in the future
- the engine sound will not be heard during the battle countdown, the vehicle
will fire up after the countdown reaches 0
- of all players online, the percentage of players in queue changes, the
amount of players online depends a lot on events and missions
- in the test, SU-100 guns (D-10S and D-2-5S) did not get their camo factor
after shot nerfed, this will be fixed in the next round/live client
測試服中 SU-100 的主砲沒被砍開砲後隱蔽值,這會在正式版修復(或是下一測,如果有
- the same gun on various tanks (unless it’s premium tanks) should not have
different camo loss after shot from one another (SS: as in, for example D-10S
will lose the same amount of camo factor after shooting on all tanks that
carry it)
- the fact the loss of visibility after shooting for RhB was nerfed only
slightly is correct
RhB 在開砲後的隱蔽值只砍了一點,這不是個錯誤。
- Storm on War Thunder: “We played it. We were somewhat surprised that
nothing changed there since November. I won’t talk about their issues, I
hope they understand them all themselves.”
Storm 談到 WT:「我們也有玩。相當訝異他們從去年11月以來都沒改變。我不評論他們的
- Storm did test the new tank motion physics, he liked it
Storm 試過新開發的移動系統,他喜歡。
- new motion system will come “this year” (SS: it was earlier planned for
9.2 according to developers, whether it will really come then is uncertain)
新的移動系統會在今年實裝(SS: 最早預計是在 9.2,但不確定)。
- it would be possible to implement a system where players would make their
own camo and inscriptions, but it is not needed according to Storm, the
battlefield would look terrible
可能會實裝讓玩家自製標語和塗裝的功能,但 Storm 不認為有必要,因為會破壞戰場景觀
- gun loading sound rework is not planned
- regarding the rebalance of some tanks so they are more comfortable: “For
now I cannot say, first we will deal with more obvious candidates for
- gun sounds too “poof”? “Fire the gun in Kharkov, there are echo zones
installed there”
砲聲聽起來像「噗」?「去 Kharkov 開砲試試,那張地圖已實裝回音區系統。」
- bonus XP for “tanking” (soaking damage with your armor) – “we will
implement it when we consider it necessery and when we finish working on it”
- for now, nothing was decided about the HE shells (SS: mechanism changes,
nerfs etc.)
目前未決定要不要改 HE。
- Stronkhold mode will come “later”
Stronkhold 模式會晚點推出
- Maus doesn’t have a (planned) 150mm gun, because there was a 128mm gun
made in real life on the prototype (SS: and to separate it from E-100)
不會給 Maus 計畫案中的 150mm 主砲,因為原型實車上裝的是 128mm 砲(SS: 為了跟
E-100 做出區別)。
- “28 bots in one battle?” – Storm: “No comment, haven’t seen the video”
「單場出現 28 隻BOT?」Storm:「還沒看到那段影片,不予置評。」
- other RU developer on bots: “We always banned bots, are banning bots and
always will. But the issue is vastly overblown.”
其他的俄國開發者談到 BOT:「我們一直,未來也會持續禁用 BOT。但這議題已被大肆渲
- IS-7 DPM will apparently be buffed in 9.2
會在 9.2 提昇 IS-7 的 DPM。