[情報] FTR翻譯 - 內幕:WG對砲車的想法part.1

作者: YukiPhoenix (雪鳳)   2014-09-03 23:05:03
Hello everyone,
a lot of people think that Wargaming doesn’t realize problems and balance –
but they do. Thanks to the “Insider”, who in the past provided us with
reliable info, a copy of internal WG chain e-mail found its way to my
mailbox. Here it is – I deleted the names of course as per request of the
Insider, but I do know them and I confirmed they are legit.
內容如後續 我依照藏鏡人的要求刪除名字
There is a part where SerB is raging – in Russian. Some of the developers
write in Russian as well, the translation however is not mine, it’s the
Insider who translated it as such and I dare not correct it. The chain mail
involves several mid- to low-tier developers and SerB and it concerns everyone
’s favourite topic, artillery.
The first part of the mail conversation takes place many months ago around
the time before the Great Arty Nerf (8.6 was it? Can’t remember). The chain
mail structure was modified by me to resemble a conversation (I threw out the
“re: re: re:” etc)
Developer 1 (RU): So, what are the Data feeds on the “Arty problem?
開發者 1 (RU): 所以 砲車的數據有甚麼問題嗎
Developer 2 (RU): What arty problems?
開發者 2 (RU): 甚麼砲車問題?
Developer 3 (RU): Artywhiners.
開發者 3 (RU): 砲車抱怨者
Developer 4 (RU): posts some artillery statistics and copies of whine on forums
開發者 4 (RU): 貼了一些砲車數據和一些論壇的抱怨
Developer 1 (RU): *reacting on Developer 4* Is this even correct?
開發者 1 (RU): {回應開發者4}這是對的嗎?
Developer 5 (RU): Afraid so 95% players play arty, 14 clusters accounted in
EU/US/RU most vocal ones are forum speakers estimated not even 5% of them are
actually accounted for, most problematics come from the US cluster
開發者 5 (RU): 有玩炮車的玩家恐怕高達95%
Developer 5 (RU): *posts US server artillery statistics*
開發者 5 (RU): {貼出US伺服器砲車數據}
Developer 2 (RU): so, why are we even considering a nerf? since when this is
a democracy?
開發者 2 (RU): 所以為什麼我們會考慮NERF? 什麼時候變成玩家決定了?
Developer 6 (US): There are obviously some artillery that needs a remodel on
their damage physics, SU-26 is taken for granted the French bagels too.. but
all? Most artillery will become nearly unplayable unless we fix the Sigma,
whats the word of kruta? (SS: kruta = Storm)
開發者 6 (US): 很明顯的某些砲車需要重新調整他們的傷害模型
理所當然SU-26要調 法國砲車也是 但是全部調整?
Developer 2 (RU): in English: *REMOVES BRAIN*
開發者 2 (RU): {使用英文} 該砍的是(那些抱怨者的)腦袋
Several weeks later… Wargaming is working on artillery nerf
數周後 WG開始處理砲車NERF的事情
Developer 5 (RU):“Please send the supertesters 116 the new feed on the
damage model, we estimated a 25% and upwards decrease on all artillery model
damage, can it be confirmed?”
開發者 5 (RU): 請給我超測人員關於傷害模型的意見回饋
我們估計砲車的傷害將會降低25%以上 這樣對嗎?
Developer 4 (RU):“Confirmed, playing Obj 212 makes onions cry, how is this
even fun now?”
開發者 4 (RU): 沒錯 玩Obj.212根本內牛滿面 這樣是哪裡好玩
A few mails later, developers argue about the artillery nerf and wild SerB
appears in what is allegedly one of his most famous tirades amongst the
developers. The translation is the Insider’s, I left it as it is (the
picture was a part of the e-mail apparently). Please pay attention to what
SerB predicts.
幾封信件後 當開發者們爭論砲車NERF時而野生的SerB出現了
Sergey Burkatovskiy *redacted*@wargaming.net
>Remember this is a business Model, not a democracy, despite what players
whine about over 90% of the database owns artillery at low to mid tiers and
83% owns an end-tier piece, this is contrary to the actual statistics of “
arty sucks” and hear, these little krayfish dont even know what they want,
all they want is win, win, win, and when they dont win they blame anything
that can be accounted for, once we Nerf artillery, Tank Destroyers will come,
they are blind and only see what they have the most immediate benefit of
their wins, and then we will have a Tank Destroyer problem – too strong to
be maintained in check! and the cycle will repeat, the new statistics are
meant to define less damage per game as solution and it seems to be working.
and noting else will be ever moved from now on unless a new model is
approached. we must focus on what statistics form server tells not some Arty
vocals, artillery is a piece of the game that is instrumental to our models,
it will NEVER be removed and even if kraulf was to bring a second homecoming
id rather make him drink piss.
請記得這是商業經營 不搞民主那一套
就算這些人宣稱:"有90%的玩家有中低階炮車 83%的玩家有中高階炮車"
聽! 這些哭哭人根本不知道他們真正需要的是什麼
一旦我們NERF砲車 那麼下一個就會是TD
這些人根本就是瞎子 只看的到眼前與自己勝利有關的利益
砲車是遊戲的一環 不爽不要玩
>Map wars statistics shows use of SPG just fine, the “pros” may whine on it
on forums, but are held accountable for using it as well to maintain their
map provinces. their logic is wicked. Numbers dont lie
>Start ignoring at your discretions, we ignore artillery talks form now on,
focus on what the numbers tell us, they never lie, whenever the model
increments from win ratio of 50.1 its candidate to review, and nothing else.
數字會說話 請專注在這上面
>The priority of the review is now on the low, some artillery will be an all
time low winrate due the changes, review and fix so their roles adapt
properly in line with the win ratio, dont move damage expectations per battle
nor accuracy with the new model.
>Where is my drink
作者: batterykugua (battery)   2014-09-04 08:30:00
亞服這麼多龜兒子 敵人在砲車旁抵死不幫的

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