[情報] 9/8 9 Q&A

作者: WillieHuang (Willie)   2014-09-10 01:43:51
- you can see the number of online people on the server, when you press “
Escape”, in the menu
雖然新界面沒有在車庫顯示上線人數,但你還是可以按 Esc 在選單中看到數字
- Storm is aware of the Hellcat track bug in 9.3, it will be fixed
Storm 知道 Hellcat 的履帶有錯誤
- in 9.3, Churchill III XP is bugged as hell (SS: one player shown statistics
with 19900 average XP per battle), this will be fixed
9.3 邱三的經驗值算法突破天際(SS: 有人的場均經驗19,900)這是錯誤造成的,會修正
- Q: “What are the advantages of the T-54 Light? It has none compared to
other vehicles!” A (SerB): “Don’t want to play it? Don’t play it. Better
whine some more instead, for practice.”
Q:「T-54 LT 有啥優勢?根本比不上其他車!」SerB:「不爽別玩。回去重練你的『抱怨』
- Q: “Will the D-10-85 gun, that was planned to be installed on SU-85, be
added to other vehicles than LTTB?” A: “If needed.”
Q:「D-10-85 會裝在除了 LTTB 之外的車上面嗎?例如 SU-85」A:「如果有需要」
- Object 430 accuracy was decreased to 0,38 “to make it different from other
Soviet tier 10 mediums”
Object 430 精準度被砍是為了和另一輛十階中坦做區隔
- very slow tanks that sometimes have no activity due to their slow speed
(like the US T95 GMC) will not suffer from the “anti-AFK” system –
developers do keep them in mind when designing the system
- Chaffee and MT-25 gold camouflage will not be compensated (transferred to
other vehicles) now that they won’t be the top light tanks of their nation
Chaffee 和 MT-25 身上的迷彩塗裝不會轉移到其他車上
- no tank in the game is balanced with players using only gold ammo on
Wargaming’s mind
WG 不認為有哪台車是以上全金彈為基礎進行平衡的
- Q: “Will you add medals for killing people with ricocheted shells?” A: “
You think there are too few medals in the game still? :)”
- it’s possible that in the future, engine fires will be extinguished by
driving the tank into the water, no ETA
(譯者:火滅了,然後引擎進水掛掉還不能修 lol)
- more tanks will have their engine/transmission split implemented in one of
the upcoming patches
- new dynamic tracks (as shown in 9.3 test) are still work in progress, they
have many bugs
- roadwheels of the Tiger in 9.3 test are not bugged
- Storm states that the new HD models turned out much better than the ones
that were made for 9.0, for example he thinks welds are looking pretty good.
IS-7 is an exception – that model is bugged – low LOD gun barrel is
displayed instead.
Storm 表示新出的 HD 模組比 9.0 版時的好看多了,例如焊接的接點。IS-7 除外,它誤

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