[情報] 1/22 Q&A

作者: WillieHuang (Willie)   2015-01-23 14:38:43
9.6 測試服已開
二測時會加入新金車:AMX CDC、AMX-13/57、STA-2
9.6 ASAP
- premium TD’s will not get a viewrange nerf
- developers are working on better anti-aliasing as a part of the next big
update of the graphics system in the game
- Storm states that reworked (larger) Murovanka ended up doing nicely (a good
放大版 Murovanka 運作良好
- removing the standard render from the game would not save any client space
- WG will consider buffing 121 (Chinese tier 10)
會考慮 buff 121
- AMX-30 branch will have “two vehicles” (SS: well, not really, I mean
there will be a bunch of lowtiers up to tier 5 IIRC, then a gap, and then
AMX-30 Prototype and AMX-30 coming from AMX-13/90)
AMX-30 支線有『兩台車』(SS: 不盡然;低階一路到五階,然後合併。AMX-30 原型車
和 AMX-30 可由 1390 研發)
- when Havok comes, the level of allowed destruction will be the same as it
is now
Havok 實裝時,容許破壞的程度會和現在一樣
- T28 (US TD) will be changed from the fake it is to a real project (early
T95 variant from NARA archives)
現有的虛構 T28 將由實際的計畫車代替(從美國國家檔案館中找出來的 T95 早期型)
- the WT E-100 replacement is a real project and it is not on E-100 hull, it
will “fit the Waffenträger concept”
WTE-100 的替代車是實際存在的計畫,不是用 E-100 底盤,但會『符合武器搬運車的
- a mechanism for players to easily find a platoon mate (“platoon finder”)
to play with them is planned for this year
- animated models (SS: as in, ventilators turning and such) are not tied to
車輛動畫(SS: 會轉的風扇之類的)並未和 Havok 綁定
- FV215b (120) was introduced into the game because “earlier, we considered
Chieftain to be too modern. Now we don’t anymore.”
當初會引入 FV215b (120) 是因為「早期,我們認為酋長式過於先進。但現在改觀了」
- developers are working on Dx11 support, it wasn’t scrapped
正在研發支援 Dx11
- there are two issues with the bushes, causing them to flicker in sniper
mode. Only one will be fixed in 9.6
有兩個因素會造成草叢閃爍,9.6 只修好了其中一個
- XP for “tanking” will most likely come in 9.7
『坦傷賺經驗』很可能在 9.7 推出
- some graphical bugs in various models (like a tank having too short a
barrel) will have to wait until the tank is reworked to HD
部分模組的錯誤(例如砲管太短)要等 HD 化再修正
- Storm is aware of the issue where players get 4-5 maps all the time during
one gaming session (too much map repeating). He states that it will not be
fixed in near future, WG will think what to do with it. It’s a question of
MM and server load
Storm 知道地圖太常重狀況。他表示這近期無法修改,但 WG 會想想該怎麼做。這是MM
- Q: “Which high pen shells will get nerf?” A: “All those, that we
consider need it”
- dynamic characteristics of tanks in a hangar should come this year, so
should a new garage filter (SS: odd, didn’t SerB say those were scrapped or
- Storm states that the IM’s are skill-based, because “skilled players
complete them faster than the unskilled ones”
Storm 表示個人任務是以玩家的技術為基礎,「技術好的玩家較容易完成」
- Storm confirms that the feature where players would be able to disable maps
they dont want to play was cancelled
- Italians will definitely not come this year
- AMX-13/90 will not be buffed
不會 buff 1390
- 7/42 format will not return to team battles
團隊戰鬥不會回歸 7/42 制
- it’s possible alternative IM’s will be introduced
- no plans to nerf SU-152
不會砍 SU-152
- LT’s will not get a penetration buff
不會 buff 輕坦穿深
- no plans to allow players to convert free XP to crew XP
- no plans to introduce multiple types of shells in one autoloader clip
- Storm states that the reason why no more limited MM premium tanks will be
introduced is that “it’s good for the future of WoT”
- VK4502 Ausf.B (tier 9) will be switched to Maus prototype this year
九階 VK4502 Ausf.B 會在今年被鼠式原型車取代
- it’s possible penalties for “unsportsmanlike behavior” will be increased
- Object 907 won’t have the M-62 gun, because “it’s buffed enough as it is

Object 907 不會有 M-62 主砲,因為「它已經被 buff 夠了」
- regarding tier 10 medium tank penetration nerf: “final solution of this
issue was not yet decided”
- some IM’s have incorrect descriptions, some will be fixed in 9.6
有些個人任務描述是錯的,9.6 將修正
- regarding new Matchmaker 3.0 – there is an idea to completely scrap the
battletier system, but so far, no comment. It will not come anytime soon.
MM娘 3.0 版:概念是將階級系統完全廢除,但目前不予評論。也不用期待近期會出
- Storm confirms: the probability of you getting a certain map is different
for each tier (SS: as in, if you are getting the same one, switch tiers)
Storm 證實:不同等級的車進地圖的機率不同(SS: 若進某張圖進怕了,換其他階的車)
- Storm states that the changes on Winterberg (compared to Ruinberg) were not
announced specifically, because Winterberg doesn’t count as a copy map, but
as a new map
Winterberg 的更動並未特別宣布,因為 Winterberg 並不被視為是複製圖,而是新地圖
- IS-6 maximum speed is historical
IS-6 的極速符合史實
- S-Tank (Strv 103) will appear in the game
S-Tank (Strv 103) 會出現
- Swedish will most likely have a separate tree, but it will NOT come this
- AMX-12t and AMX-13/75 might be buffed in following patches, they will be
12t 和 1375 可能會在下個更新中被 buff,會研究研究
- there are no plans to buff Super Pershing for now
目前不打算 buff 超潘
- Naydin medal bug will be fixed in 9.6
Naydin 獎章出錯,9.6 會修正
- Maus will not be buffed, neither will IS-7
IS-7 和鼠式都不會 buff
- T95 will not be removed from the game
不會砍掉 T95
- 1vs1 pvp mode will not be implemented
- Storm states that the decision to remove limited MM premiums from the shop
was not yet taken as final
Storm 表示,將所有有分房保護的金車下架的決定尚未定案
- Smolensk map size is 1200 x 1200
Smolensk 是 1200^2 m^2 的地圖
作者: goldensnitch (金探子)   2015-01-23 15:47:00
no plans to "nerf" SU-152 "NERF"
作者: Jadeiteangel (背德的狂信者)   2015-01-23 22:26:00
作者: goldensnitch (金探子)   2015-01-24 22:20:00
su-100Y 我有350勒 UCCU~

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