這是我弟剛剛分享給我看的廣告 看的我一把鼻涕一把眼淚
先把影片附上 是個廣告的影片但是我沒有要打廣告的意思
我也是剛看完才知道有這牌子的 不喜歡者請慎入謝謝
一位頭髮花白的女士天天到月台報到 突然有一天他發現熟悉的廣播聲音不在
神色慌張地跑去找站務人員 並娓娓道來他的故事 原來 Mind the gap 廣播聲背後是有故事的
A memory to remember
詞 / 蔡柏璋 曲 / 羅恩妮 主唱 / 柯智棠
It was a Tuesday morning in May and as I awoke
I saw the sun against your fair face
It was the years loveliest smile
The breeze was fresh and throughout the garden linger the scent of roses
It was may and I cannot forget that we sang together
The more time passes the more I remember
The air was fresh and the song so sweet
Oh it was may, it was may
You sang “love of my heart, love of my heart
You are going far away, you are leaving me"
And I will count the hours, when will you return?
With nod I said, I will return when the roses bloom again
And I sang “love of my heart, the love of my heart
You are going far away, you are leaving me"
And I will count the hours when will you return
And you said, I will return when I hear your voice again
I will return, as promise, when the roses bloom again.