stanhcw (................)
2014-10-29 10:26:33哈哈哈~
收到e-mail 被選上了
Will you be the Hunter, or the Hunted? Join the Evolve Big Alpha and choose
your side.
Congratulations you've been selected to participate in the Evolve Big Alpha
Big Alpha begins Thursday, October 30th at 9AM PDT exclusively on Xbox One
and ends Sunday, November 2nd at 10PM PDT.
話說fable legend的怎麼還沒有公佈
※ 引述《ichhuang (ANDY)》之銘言:
: 登記網址 http://www.2kgames.com/evolve/xboxonealpha/form.php
: 有兩欄記得要打
: Referral Code: Xbox4VOne
: Registration Code: 44549-09164-02289
: 有抽中的10月30號可以開始打beta了