※ [本文轉錄自 SF 看板 #1S1o-Hil ]
作者: DaNee (I AM TUMOUR) 看板: SF
標題: [情報] 私房史上四星半級以上推薦翻譯科幻小說
時間: Wed Dec 5 09:53:17 2018
1. 有臺灣合法譯本
2. 想到就寫,同級順序可能有心情誤差
3. 書名翻譯以我愛用為原則
4. 以公認科幻為主,有可能排入奇幻的就不列入(e.g. Perdido Street Station)
1. Dan Simmons,《海柏利昂》(Hyperion)
2. Robert A. Heinlein,《寒月,厲婦》(The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress)
3. Ray Bradbury,《火星紀事》(The Martian Chronicles)
(3.5) Robert A. Heinlein,《星艦戰士》(Starship Troopers)[有古早日文二手翻譯
4. Isaac Asimov,《我,機器人》(I, Robot)
5. Paolo Bacigalupi,《發條女孩》(The Windup Girl)
6. Philip K. Dick,《生化人會夢見電動羊嗎?》(Do Androids Dream of Electric
7. Ursula K. Le Guin,《黑暗的左手》(The Left Hand of Darkness)
8. Ted Chiang,《你一生的故事》(The Stories of Your Life and Others)
9. David Mitchell,《雲圖》(The Cloud Atlas)
10. Dan Simmons,《海柏利昂的殞落》(The Fall of Hyperion)
11. Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.,《第五號屠宰場》(Slaughterhouse-Five)
11.5 Orson Scott Card,《致命兒戲》(Ender's Game)[漏列補充]
12. Richard Matheson,《我是傳奇》(I Am Legend)
13. Anthony Burgess,《發條橘子》(The Clockwork Orange)
14. Joe Haldeman,《永世之戰》(The Forever War)
15. Robert Charles Wilson,《時間迴旋》(Spin)
16. China Miéville,《城與(反)城》(The City and the City)
17. Daniel Keyes,《獻給阿爾吉儂的花束》(Flowers for Algenon)
18. Ursula K. Le Guin,《世界誕生之日諸物語》(The Birthday of the World and
Other Stories)
19. Paolo Bacigalupi,《六號抽水站》(Pump Six and Other Stories)
20. George Orwell,《一九八四》(Nineteen Eighty-Four)