[情報] Tesla延長並更新了超充免費的優惠

作者: Scape (non)   2017-05-21 22:09:46
原本在今年1月15號以後訂車(Model S or Model X)的車主無法享有超充免費的功能
也就是說以後車主升級換車(但不包括Model 3),仍然可以保有超充免費的優惠
唯一的例外是1/15號之前生產的Model S/X
而對於現在才想要購入Tesla Model S/X的準車主,只要跟現任車主索取推薦碼
After the changes to both the Supercharger access structure and the
referral program today, it can be difficult to understand the current
situation around the access to Tesla’s fast-charging network. There were
a lot of questions in the comment section of our last article about it.
We reached out to Tesla to get the best understanding that we can in
order to break it down to you as simply as possible in this post.
First off, the pay-per-use model introduced earlier this year with 400
kWh in free Supercharger credit per year is still the default model for
accessing the Supercharger network for all new vehicles being purchased
today onward.
For owners with vehicles ordered before January 15, 2017, nothing changes
for their vehicles and they are still on the original Supercharger access
program with free Supercharger for the life of the vehicles.
What changes for vehicles ordered after January 15, 2017, is that they
are now not only off of the paid model with 400 kWh in free Supercharger
credit per year, but they have now free Supercharging access for the life
of their Tesla Model S or Model X ownership – meaning that unlike the
original free Supercharger access model, the free access is associated
with the owner instead of the vehicle.
In other words, a Tesla Model S or X owner who bought a new car since
January 15, 2017, has free Supercharger access now and for any other
Model S or X (not Model 3) that they decide to buy in the future. If they
do decide to upgrade in the future, their current vehicle wouldn’t have
free Supercharger access for the new owner.
It’s a way for Tesla to maintain the free access program while making
sure that it doesn’t become unsustainable due to the growing pre-owned
Tesla fleet.
Pre-owned vehicles produced before January 15, 2017, are still listed
with “free Supercharging” and can be purchased right now, but future
used Tesla vehicles will not have this advantage even if the original
owners will actually have had access to Superchargers for free.
So that covers all current owners. They now all fall under the new
category of free Supercharger access associated with the owner instead of
the vehicle, while the vehicles ordered before January 15 have free
access regardless of the owner.
As for new owners purchasing a new vehicle now and who haven’t purchased
a Tesla before, the default model is the pay-per-use model with 400 kWh
in free Supercharger credit per year as previously mentioned, but Tesla
also updated the referral programs to include free access to the
Supercharger network under the model associated with the owner instead of
the vehicle.
Therefore, as long as new Model S or X buyers use a referral code, they
can still get free Supercharging (on top of the usual $1,000 referral
I hope this clarifies the situation.
作者: TaiwanKerDa (台柯萬歲)   2017-05-21 22:16:00
作者: tropotato (tropotato)   2017-05-21 22:20:00
作者: fcfcegr (在座的各位都是__)   2017-05-21 22:25:00
作者: sysop5566 (批踢踢半熟手)   2017-05-21 22:32:00
作者: endless0121 (囚鳥不要開招 開招時機?2)   2017-05-21 22:34:00
那請問一下 1/15前的車主 買3有無限超充嗎或是換非x或更好的 會有嗎哇哇 那這樣對早買的人真吃虧
作者: SakuraHana (櫻花)   2017-05-21 23:20:00
作者: JDKnife (絕地小刀)   2017-05-21 23:21:00
3絕對不會有 這動作主要是製造差異 增加MS的優勢 反銷售3不是"變成" 1/15號前的車本來就有二手車超充免費
作者: SakuraHana (櫻花)   2017-05-21 23:24:00
作者: JDKnife (絕地小刀)   2017-05-21 23:27:00
想太多 1000鎂才佔車價多少 重點是推廣 贈品大都買不到了解 看錯
作者: SakuraHana (櫻花)   2017-05-21 23:29:00
作者: Ekmund (是一隻小叔)   2017-05-21 23:36:00
作者: david31408 (Hope)   2017-05-22 00:11:00
老鼠會咧...拜託 推薦人制度美國券商也有
作者: endless0121 (囚鳥不要開招 開招時機?2)   2017-05-22 00:14:00
贈品根本會被隨時更動 然後很多都買得到啊==比如耳機 在活動結束後 就改成送你衣服他那個頁面 如果長時間follow 贈品根本說了算 活動結束後 也會忽然變另一種衣服送妳 我看封缸妹你還不屑要勒行李箱跟旅行袋也換來換去大概就是大賣場辦卡的贈品等級 不是腦粉的人根本不回想要ㄤ不會想要抽獎從來沒有公佈過中獎名單
作者: ganninian (喔喔)   2017-05-22 01:05:00
作者: yuinghoooo (KiXeon)   2017-05-22 01:31:00
作者: zooxalju (不吃魚的貓)   2017-05-22 01:34:00
作者: endless0121 (囚鳥不要開招 開招時機?2)   2017-05-22 01:47:00
十年後換y 或是當時的新車 不知道能不能繼續無限超充這個配套措施應該是為了彌補 無限超充取消後 訂單銳減的問題吧XD 3因為價格因素 再送這個就要賠死了
作者: kobe7610 (渴望的狗)   2017-05-22 07:47:00
封缸只會講幹話而已啦 可憐只有破神a可以開的車也滿可悲的
作者: trickart (我小魔啦)   2017-05-22 13:10:00
作者: loat (虛累累)   2017-05-22 13:49:00

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