看一下課本5089頁,有關Hot Mode的解釋。
Hot mode The temperature of the clutch is calculated via a model in
the TCM The following variables are incorporated in the calculation:
Engine torque Rotational speed signals from the ISS 1, ISS 2, OSS . an
d the engine speed Calculated torque of the clutch The Hot Mode func
tion is used to prevent the clutch from being damaged as a result
of excessively high temperatures. Here, the clutch is engaged more qu
ickly and the engine torque is reduced. At a calculated clutch tempe
rature at which the clutch lining would suffer heat damage, the fol
lowing message is displayed on the multi-function display of the inst
rument cluster: Transmission hot - stop the vehicle or accelerate Trans
mission hot - wait Transmission hot - wait 10 minutes.
Once the clutch has cooled down, the message "Transmission ready for
operation" is displayed on the multi-function display of the instrum
ent cluster. At a calculated clutch temperature of more than 300 蚓
the clutches are disengaged.
※ 引述《kobe693 (你管我)》之銘言:
: 看完這篇真心覺得
: 原來三寶多不是沒原因的
: 車是拿來開的是代步工具
: 對他是工具但是連工具怎麼用
: 什麼特性都不知道真的無言
: 就跟手機拿很貴的就只會賴fb有87%像
: 一堆人拿了駕照結果連檔位都不知道
: 只會前進D 後退R 停車P
: 然後卻不知道 1 2是幹嘛的
: 因為我都可以D檔上下武嶺幹嘛要知道
: 開車這麼累幹嘛 呵呵
: 說拿自排駕照可以開ps那就是自排車
: 自排? 自動排檔的車?
: 自手排? 自動控制手排變速箱?自排
: 手自排? 手動操作自排變速箱?自排
: 呵呵
: 不就開個車幹嘛那麼麻煩
: 我想遊樂場的碰碰車很適合你們
: 但別到路上來