Tesla Model 3 teardown points to only $28,000 in potential material and
production cost
Tesla Model 3 拆解後顯示其潛在材料和生產成本僅為28,000美元
Several Tesla Model 3 vehicles were bought by competing automaker engineering
firms to try and to learn about the technology.
Tesla 的競爭對手車廠購買了幾輛 Model 3 嘗試並了解這項技術。
Earlier this year, a German automaker was reportedly impressed by the Model 3
after having reverse-engineered it.
今年早些時候,一家德國汽車製造商在逆向工程之後對Model 3印象深刻。
Now, another German firm has reportedly completed a teardown of the vehicle
and came up with an impressive potential cost for Tesla’s latest electric
現在,另一家德國公司據報已完成對該車的拆解,並提出了Tesla 最新的電動車
German magazine WirtschaftsWoche spoke with one of the engineering firms who
bought Model 3 vehicles on the used market to benchmark and tear them down.
德國雜誌 WirtschaftsWoche 與其中一家在二手市場上購買了 Model 3 進行基準測試
They claim that their cost analysis resulted in materials and logistics costs
of $18,000 and labor costs of $10,000 for a total cost potential cost of
A test engineer for the firm said that he believes the Model 3 could turn out
to be quite profitable:
該公司的一名測試工程師表示,他認為 Model 3 可能會非常有利可圖:
If Tesla manages to build the planned 10,000 units a week, the Model 3 will
deliver a significant positive contribution to earnings,
如果 Tesla 能夠做到其周產一萬輛的計劃,那麼 Model 3 將為收益帶來顯著積極貢獻
This analysis counters previous reports that suggested the cost could be
closer to $35,000, which happens to be the base price of the standard version
of the Model 3.
The firm also claims to have figured out the percentage of cobalt inside the
Model 3 battery cells: 2.8 percent.
該公司還宣稱已經計算出 Model 3 電池內鈷的百分比:2.8%。
That’s significantly less cobalt than in similar battery cells from the
competition and confirms what Tesla recently claimed in its shareholders
letter and ‘Conflict Minerals Report’.
Model 3 發表後,其實各界都對其3.5萬美元的起價是否能賺到錢表示懷疑
很久以前板上也曾經有過討論,記得當初我講過 Model 3 的毛利率猜測會是在25%上下
現在德國對手車廠做出了這樣的拆解研究,也間接說明了 Model 3 的毛利率的確是這樣
其實最近認為 Model 3 會賺錢、Tesla 會開始穩定營利的聲音越來越多
加上這份研究,相信應該不會再有人質疑 Model 3 這3.5萬美元的起始定價了
另外一個重點是 Model 3 的2170電池對於鈷的用量大減
這說明了 Tesla 的電池相較於對手是走在很前面的,並且已經大量生產中