l8th (1931)
2019-10-18 13:32:16※ 引述《Scape (缺鈣缺很大)》之銘言:
: → l8th : 當然是算自己的 特斯拉撞了也是不賠的 10/18 09:51
: → l8th : https://tinyurl.com/y59spf9a 想當初特斯拉也是 10/18 09:51
: → l8th : 允許放手的 10/18 09:52
: 你這樣造謠誤導他人,是不是該進水桶冷靜一下?
更何況我根本沒有造謠 你胡亂指控才有混淆視聽之嫌
這麼急? 知道你英文不好 所以來幫你翻譯翻譯
: 你給的連結並沒有提到Tesla 早期允許放開雙手來使用Autopilot
Predictions that Tesla might follow the rest of the auto industry by
restricting hands-free time to 15 seconds were wide of the mark. Musk clarified
the time limit on the call; at speeds under 8mph on divided highways, Autopilot
will effectively function indefinitely. Under 45mph "the longest in theory is
five minutes, but actually there are hands-on-wheel requirements as soon as the
car detects lateral acceleration," he said. Above 45 mph the "hands on the
wheel" warning should go off after a minute if you don't have a car to follow,
and three minutes if you do have a car to follow, "because the accuracy is
greater," Musk said. He did address the "beta" label issue, telling reporters
that "the reason we call it a beta is to reduce people's comfort level turning
it on; it's not really a beta."
1) 在時速八英里下 AP 會持續運作即使手不在方向盤上
2) 在時速四十五英里下且手不在方向盤上 AP 理論上可以持續運作五分鐘
3) 在時速四十五英里上且手不在方向盤上 AP 一分鐘後握方向盤的警示會出現
綜合以上 你跟我說 Tesla 從來沒有允許手離開方向盤?
1) Musk 不代表 Tesla
2) 本文作者故意陷害 Musk 捏造通話紀錄
喔 對了
不用討論 能不能 跟 允不允許 的差異
Tesla AP "能" 也 "允許" 駕駛放開手開 只要滿足特定條件 並且 有時間限制