※ 引述《Yyh (我愛批踢踢)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《brooky (未夠班)》之銘言:
: Thank you! I have solved it :p
: : Can we just use 'lsfit' ?
: : *****************************************
: : Description of lsfit:
: : The least squares estimate of *b* in the model
: : y = X b + e
: : is found.
: : *****************************************
: hmm, lsfit could be used to verify our answer.
: btw, when I run the dataset "space_ga",
: I got the following statement,
: 錯誤在solve.default(lhs) : 系統計算上是獨特的: 互反條件數=6.78798e-020
: But "lhs" is invertible (lhs is square and det(lhs)!=0)
: what's wrong here?
hi dear pal~
did you try this data set in lsfit?
what if it works in lsfit....