2024 Fall 台大人機互動實驗室 Open House 招生說明會(陳彥仰教授)
想要體驗最新的 VR/MR 遊戲技術、樂器學習、AI 室內設計、AI 電影設計、探索人與 AI
台大人機互動實驗室每年最大的展示活動,將於 11/21(四) 及 11/22(五)舉辦,現場展
示多項國內外得獎作品 live demo,實驗室成員來自建築、醫學、機械、物理、電
BTW,這兩天各提供前 20 名報名同學免費飲料!(限量是殘酷的!!!!)
時間:11/21 (四) 、11/22 (五) 13:45~17:00
地點:台大德田館 CSIE R336
13:45~14:00 報到
14:00~14:45 老師介紹實驗室 + Q&A
14:45~17:00 學長姐 Live Demo/Q&A + 老師個別面談
人機互動 (Human-Computer Interaction, HCI) 研究使用者體驗技術與設計,跨領域(V
的科技樣貌。目前陳彥仰教授的研究主題為VR/MR的互動與遊戲設計、Human-centered AI
,近一年成果包括顛覆室內設計、電影與遊戲概念藝術設計的 generative AI、 與台大
醫院合作開發 AI 輔助技術、AR 打鼓訓練方法、符合都市場域的 AR 自然聲景、可輔助
[NTU HCI Lab Open House]
Interested in experiencing the latest VR/MR gaming technology/musical instrume
nts, and exploring the future of human-AI interaction?
The NTU HCI Lab's annual showcase, featuring a variety of award-winning projec
ts from both domestic and international contributors, will take place on
11/21 (Thu) and 11/22 (Fri). Join us for live demos and meet lab members with
diverse backgrounds in architecture, mechanical engineering, physics, electric
al engineering, information management, mathematics, psychology, and more. Stu
dents with a passion for these fields are welcome to attend!
- In-Person
Time: 11/21 (Thu.) 13:45~17:00、11/22 (Fri.) 13:45~17:00
Place: CSIE R336 (Der Tian Hall), NTU
13:45~14:00 Sign in
14:00~14:45 Lab Introduction
14:45~17:00 Live Demo + Interview
Prof. Mike Chen https://mikechen.com
Sign up: https://forms.gle/qNFjRGdsgaZvyRvs7
[Lab Overview]
The Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Lab focuses on user experience design and
innovative technologies across interdisciplinary fields such as VR/AR, AI, in
teraction design, human factors engineering, psychology, 3D printing, circuit
design, and more. Our research explores a "human-centered" approach to technol
ogy. Currently, Professor Yanyang Chen's research interests include interactio
n and game design in VR/MR, human-centered AI. Achievements in the past year i
nclude groundbreaking innovations such as generative AI that revolutionizes in
terior design, film, and game concept art design, AI-assisted technology devel
oped in collaboration with NTU Hospital, AR-based drum training methods, AR na
tural soundscapes tailored for urban environments, and a rotational device to
support lying-down VR usage.
If you aspire to explore the future of interactive technology, seize the chanc
e to join us!
In addition, for those interested in applying to become members of HCI lab, pl
ease remember to fill out these respective forms:
Undergraduates: https://forms.gle/NDABLkqsHRS1NKGr7
Graduates: https://forms.gle/4f8YaAGwFonrab9dA