: 其實蠻多研究都有表明少子化和房價高低沒有高度關聯,講直白一點,一直喊著
: 因為房價高買不起房所以不生小孩導致少子化的,多半都是替自己找藉口而已...
: 在這個世代...
: 或許你只是想享受人生不想養小孩不生,所以拿高房價來檔
: 或許是你想買的房 > 可負擔的能力,拿高房價少子化來掩飾自己能力不夠或慾望太高
: 不論是哪種原因,邏輯和是非判斷是很重要的,當你深信高房價導致少子化的時候,
: 你可曾問過你自己為什麼?
: 還是單純就只是盲目的接受自己想接受的訊息?
先說結論 :房價高低確實會影響生育率
而且房價上升對於尚未買房的人 其生育有負面影響
A low population density, the availability of relatively spacious dwellings,
a surplus of males, a small service sector and low unemployment rates are
associated with higher fertility.
Yi and Zhang (2010) show that high housing prices significantly dampen the
fertility rate using time-series data in Hong Kong.
Researchers have found significant evidence supporting causal links between
housing market activities and fertility rates
研究顯示 購屋置產相關活動跟生育有因果關係
...our results show that economic benefits associated with homeownership, such
as wealth, tenure security and better quality of space, encourage homeowners
to have more children at the lifetime fertility cycle than renters.However,
the high user costs of owning houses delays the first child birth
age of females
經濟優勢 例如有房產,有錢, 租約保障 以及較大的生活空間, 促使房屋所有者
在生命週期內 比租房族容易有更多小孩 但是高使用者成本導致買房族比租屋族晚生
Second, we find evidence that family supports when living with parents
and/or siblings increase the fertility rate, in terms of having the first
child at a younger age and also more children at the end of the fertility
跟父母家族一起居住者 有更高的生育率以及比較早生
Third, unlike the negative relationships between housing’s user costs and
fertility predicted by the compensated substitutions hypothesis, we find no
significant variations in the fertility behaviours of families with low
(zero) user costs of housing (living in houses bought by parents or
subsidised staff housing) vis-a-vis families, who consume part of their
income for housing rents.
如果房子不用成本 父母贈與或是員工住宅/宿舍
還蠻想知道原PO 上網發這種文到底是何居心
: 你可曾問過你自己為什麼?
: 還是單純就只是盲目的接受自己想傳達不實的訊息?
另 關於房價貴不貴 應該用房價所得比來做參考
對於郭台銘 趙藤雄你問他房價貴不貴 我覺得他會說買不起是你競爭力不夠
補充一下 高房價不是少子化的唯一成因
工時拉 薪水 壓力 觀念 教養 甚至公托不足
等等 但是完全否認房價對於少子化的影響