[討論] iPhone 11 Pro 美洲杉國家公園 影片作品

作者: kouta (Kk)   2019-09-24 06:28:07
iPhone 11 Pro Cinematic Video Footage (shot in Sequoia National Park)
發布日期:2019年9月23日 Matteo Bertoli Visuals
影片使用內建相機軟體、手持拍攝 4K 60P 超廣角,
YouTube 提供 4K 畫質。
“To begin with, the ultra wide angle camera
is not sharp, at all. And this is why I love it
so much. We got to a point where sensors are so
good that the image is usually extra sharp and crisp,
specially when we film in 4K.
This happens not just on smartphones,
but on any other cameras, that’s why cinematographers
use diffusion filters so much, to smooth out the
highlights, decrease the contrast and to make the image
less sharp and more organic. In facts I found myself
using the ultra wide angle lens for the vast majority
of the time, because it almost seems to have a diffusion
filter in front of the lens. The other two cameras on
the other hand are incredibly sharp, too much in my opinion.
With that said, the ultra wide angle lens has way more noise
in low light and interior and I wouldn’t recommend it in
those situations. But I have to say, I absolutely love it
and it opens up tons of opportunity for creators since you
can literally capture everything with that 13mm focal focal length.”
作者: twfi75 (小揚揚)   2019-09-24 06:59:00
作者: GATSBYsolid (我是念舊的人...)   2019-09-24 07:38:00
作者: draco9890 (平淡)   2019-09-24 07:41:00
作者: chienyu2001 (jeremyeechen)   2019-09-24 07:46:00
某狂粉:叭叭 五萬買模糊鏡頭
作者: AirLee (不屑雞雞隊)   2019-09-24 07:51:00
作者: benedict76 (ben)   2019-09-24 08:36:00
作者: eatingshit (別懷疑我叫宜霆謝)   2019-09-24 08:48:00
作者: solanman (螃蟹王)   2019-09-24 12:17:00
作者也認為糊 整個影片看下來如果鏡頭是清楚的會更好這種剪輯、運鏡與環境 換一台清晰的超廣會更驚豔
作者: amyismo (ˊ_>ˋ)   2019-09-24 12:34:00
作者覺得pro超廣角根本自帶擴散濾鏡 他很喜歡在他看來另外兩顆太銳利了
作者: dannana (芸)   2019-09-24 12:36:00
作者: amyismo (ˊ_>ˋ)   2019-09-24 12:37:00
作者: TinyTinyOran   2019-09-24 17:35:00
作者: sisay ( )   2019-09-24 19:44:00
為什麼可以把耀光拍得這麼有意境 XD

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