Re: [情報] 變形金剛 不只是一部電影

作者: macrose (再次重逢的世界)   2007-07-02 01:44:56
※ 引述《BrokeBackM (小諾)》之銘言:
: As I sat on the plane coming home, replaying the images in my head.
: Re-experiencing the whole day again and again, I started to realize exactly
: what lay in store. I started to get it. It was a movie based on toys, but
: it was more. It was a second coming of childhood. I remembered how Superman
: made me believe a man could fly and now, I started to believe that diesels
: could transform. I know, it sounds juvenile, but why not? This was my
: childhood rushing back. This was memory lane in full THX surround sound.
: This was a time capsule reopened in digital widescreen. This was a moment
: for me and I only had 2 weeks more to wait. The kid in me started to pace
: in his room.
: I went the day they were available and bought my tickets for the 8:00 first
: showing on Monday, July 2nd. They wait was counting down…but then I ran
: into a friend of mine who works in a local comic book store. My transformer
: fandom is quite legendary here in town and he asked me if I had my passes
: yet? “Passes” What passes?” I inquired. He proceeded to hand me passes
: to an advanced screening of Transformers. All of the sudden, my wait had
: been cut nearly in half, and the day of reckoning was just around the
: corner and the kid in me got dressed and put on his shoes.
: Cut to yesterday, I woke up with a sense of excitement that I had not felt
: since Christmas of 89 when I got my first BMX bike! It was the day. I had
: made arrangements with all my family, this was a grand affair. I got there
: early to save a place in line. Spend time with my fellow geeks. Show time
: was 7, I got there at 1. The line was forming. These are my people, I
: thought. I scanned the crowd. 30-something guys wearing transformers shirts
: were abundant, but how strange, the line also contained teenagers, small
: children, older couples, people of all ages standing together with a sense
: of excitement so thick you could feel it in the air. The child in me could
: barely be contained.
: When I got into the theatre, the buzz was overwhelming. It was time.
: It was the end of the road. The moment I had been waiting for. It was here.
: I was finally here. I sat down and surrounded myself with my family and
: friends, people who knew what the wait was like for me, people who had
: literally been tortured with every new announcement and development.
: It was at that moment that they realized what it meant, what it really
: meant, because as I buckled in for the show, they realized that I was no
: longer the jaded, cranky 30 year old, no, as I sat back in my seat and
: the lights went down and the film rolled, the kid in me could be contained
: no longer and leapt out and from that point on, I was 8 years old again
: for the rest of the night.
: What can I say about the film…? How can I possibly put into words what
: I saw and felt? I am still struggling. I know that sounds ridiculous. I
: know it sounds absurd. You may be thinking, “Dude, it’s just a movie!”,
: but it wasn’t. It was more, so much more. We all know the plot, the source
: of all the Transformers power had ended up on earth and they have all come
: to get it, some for Good, some for Evil. Their war, our world, hell it was
: on the poster. The film opens up with a breathtaking attack and never lets
: up. I have to say that I have never been in a screening that got this many
: applause breaks. People cheered throughout this entire film, from beginning
: to end.
: The effects were amazing. The look of the film is beautiful. The pacing is
: great. The actors are all very good. It was everything that I wanted and
: as I sit here, the film replaying in my head, I wouldn’t even know where
: to start. The Robots? The action? The plot? Where do I begin? Answer,
: I don’t. The film opens in 3 days and I am sure that if you have read this,
: you are a fan and will be going anyway and don’t need me to spoil it for
: you. Although, I think that there is no way that my words could do it
: justice. This film is incredible, but it also heroic. It is emotional.
: It is about good vs. evil, but it is also about understanding and
: sacrifice. It is about explosions, but it is also about connection.
: It is filled with action and excitement, but it also filled with love and
: respect.
: Sure, this is a movie where giant alien robots come to earth and blow
: stuff up, it is about things that transform, but it is more, it is an
: opportunity to be transformed yourself. Transformed to a simpler time
: where flames and lips and new concepts weren’t that big of a deal.
: It is a chance to be transformed to a time when mouth made sound effects
: were enough. A time when my Mom’s broom was the best lightsaber around.
: A time when my own imagination was the best special effects studio in
: the world. A time when innocents was innovation.
: I know that a lot of you are skeptical. I know that there are people who
: want to hate this movie, and you know what, you will. You will find things
: to nitpick and complain about. You will see things that you don’t think
: look real. You will laugh. You may even leave the theatre pissed off,
: but you will be missing the point. It isn’t meant to Best Picture next
: year. This film isn’t supposed to be historically accurate, because the
: history of this film lives inside the personal experience of every kid
: who played with these toys in his backyard. This film is not meant to be
: analyzed and cross-examined, it is meant to entertain and amaze.
但你將會錯過很多東西; 它並不希望成為明年的最佳影片,也不求什麼歷史精確;
: I think that this film will affect us differently. It will be the great
: action movie that you are expecting. It will be funny. It will make you
: cheer. It may even make you cry, but if you’re lucky, and I feel lucky
: today, it will make you believe. I implore all of you to walk into this
: film looking through the eyes that you had when you were just a kid.
: I did, and I walked out of that theatre in awe. I believed again.
: I looked twice at every car on the way home, hoping to see something out
: of the ordinary. I looked at every diesel, hoping that I would be the
: next one to be chosen. I wanted it to be real, and to the child in me,
: it was, and that is all that really matters.
: So here I am, at home. The show is over and it is late. I am sure that
: this is not the review you all expected. Don’t worry, next week we can
: all hang out and discuss specifics. We can talk about the fights and the
: scenes that made us cheer, but for right now I am exhausted and need to
: get some sleep. I wish this same experience for you all.
: …and the kid in me drifts to sleep with a big smile on his face.
作者: mymaktub (Fido)   2007-07-02 01:46:00
作者: pdaer (NONE)   2007-07-02 01:50:00
作者: pxhidexq   2007-07-02 01:54:00
幹 怎麼這麼貼切!
作者: markbex (馬克杯)   2007-07-02 02:07:00
作者: BrokeBackM (金牌鐵嘴)   2007-07-02 03:24:00

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