beckseaton (沒有é‹å‹•æœƒæ»)
2013-05-06 23:11:27前一陣子有報導 湯姆哈迪跟傑森史坦森之一有可能擔綱演出重拍的"紐約大逃亡"
當年由寇特羅素演出主角Snake Plissken的科幻動作片
最近寇特羅素表示這部經典不應該重拍 只有在舊作不好的情況下才該被重拍
當被問到誰該演出主角 他說Snake是個美國人 言下之意不應該由外國籍演員來演出
Call me snake~
Kurt Russell Says "Escape From New York" Should NOT Be Remade
It was recently reported that Tom Hardy and Jason Statham are in talks to
star in the upcoming "Escape From New York" remake as Snake Plissken, the
role that Kurt Russell played in the original film.
Now, during the CapeTown Film Festival, Russell attended a screening of
"Escape From New York" and then answered questions about the remake. He said
that films should only be remade if the original had flaws, adding that since
the "Escape From New York" remake is moving forward, it shows that nothing is
sacred in the industry.
When asked who he thinks should play the role of Plissken, Russell replied
that it's frustrating to see nothing but foreign actors being considered.
"There's one thing I can tell you about Snake – he's an American," he stated.
作者: Hans14 (沉默反對派) 2013-05-07 15:08:00
Tom Hardy...毀滅世界後劇情接上Mad Max: Fury Road, XD