※ 引述《iam168888888 (射精)》之銘言:
: 中國時報【張士達╱綜合報導】
: 英國男星班奈狄克康柏拜區因影集《新世紀福爾摩斯》而走紅,在《闇黑無界:星際爭霸
: 戰》演大反派搶盡鋒頭後,年底將連推4部大片,搖身最搶手男星,連《哈比人:荒谷惡
: 龍》中的那條龍都是他。但他在由維基解密真實故事改編的新片《危機解密》中,飾演創
: 辦人朱利安阿桑奇,卻還沒上片就被本尊以公開信大潑冷水:「我相信你是好人,但我不
: 相信這會是部好片。」
: 康柏拜區演出前曾試圖與阿桑奇接觸,卻只被回信勸他別接這片。如今阿桑奇更在信中嚴
: 詞表示:「看到你竟捲入一部將一個當今政治難民如此醜化與邊緣化的電影,去嘉惠無法
: 被搖動的腐敗當局,我認為你該重新考慮是否要繼續在電影圈混下去。」
: 他並解釋他不願與之會面的原因:「若我與你見面,我就等於同意了這部邪惡的電影,且
: 為劇本逼迫你所做的優秀但缺德的演出背書。」
: 阿桑奇說,班奈狄克在與他的通信中也曾坦承,對劇本中的部分呈現感到困擾。班奈狄克
: 近日受訪說他擔心片中會將阿桑奇呈現為反社會的大魔頭,或是某種卡通化的大壞蛋。
: http://ppt.cc/4W-~
今天下午在Reddit,Benedict Cumberbatch有一場線上即時問答,有一個人問了
Yes, of course it did. To have the man you are about to portray ask you
intelligently and politely not to do it gave me real cause for concern,
however, it galvanized me into addressing why I was doing this movie.
He accuses me of being a "hired gun" as if I am an easily bought cypher
for right wing propaganda. Not only do I NOT operate in a moral vacuum
but this was not a pay day for me at all. I've worked far less hard for
more financial reward. This project was important to me because of the
integrity I wanted to bring to provocative difficult but ultimately
timely and a truly important figure of our modern times. The idea of
making a movie about someone who so far removed from my likeness or
situation who brought about an ideal through personal sacrifice that has
changed the way we view both social media, the power of the individual
to have a voice in that space, and be able to question both the
hypocrisies and wrongdoings of organizations and bodies of powerful
people that rule our lives... This resonated deeply with my beliefs in
civil liberty, a healthy democracy, and the human rights of both
communities and individuals to question those in authority. I believe
that the film, quite clearly, illuminates the great successes of
wikileaks and its extraordinary founder Julians Assange. As well as,
examining the personalities involved and what become a dysfunctional
relationship within that organization. While the legacy of his actions
and the organizations continue to evolve and only history will be the
true judge of where this is leading us. The Fifth Estate is a powerful,
if dramatized, entry point for a discussion about this extraordinary
lurch forward in our society. I wanted to create a three dimensional
portrait of a man far more maligned in the tabloid press than he is in
our film to remind people that he is not just the weird, white haired
Australian dude wanted in Sweden, hiding in an embassy behind Harrods.
But a true force to be reckoned with, achieved the realization of the
great ideal. I'm proud to be involved in tackling such a contentious
character and script. There is only personal truth in my opinion, and
the film should provoke debate and not consensus. It should be enjoyable
and ultimately empowering to realize that Julian has spearheaded a
movement that is the foundations stone of The Fifth Estate, people
journalism and what that is capable of including finding out the "truth"
for yourself.
這個Q&A其他部分都很輕蟆幽默,像是有關他和Matt Smith和Tom Hiddleston
的顴骨磨光 party