不過我反而喜歡看特效. 因為我自己也在玩,只不過是業餘的.
已經高過那些真人的費用了. 這也是我在台灣電影看到所欠缺的
地心引力這部片,算是用上了前所未見的後製技術. 這些都是那些無名英雄辛苦的成果.
不期待台灣能重視VFX這塊產業,有技術的人,就往外跑吧 XD
So the Academy Awards for best visual effects is upon us and we momentarily
focus on the impressive work created by the many thankless visual effects
artists around the world!
Not that my opinion matters, (Although I was the first to combine an
After Effects Tutorial with MS Paint) but I started to think about the
idea of giving an award for best VFX. How do you choose?
Luckily, I don’t have to.
Visual Effects is the art of problem solving. Every shot, every movie,
every challenge is different. I look at the body of work in this years
academy awards and think, “every one of these movies did their job
exactly right”. The visual effects all expanded the story, the world
and created an impressive experience. Not to mention the films that
were not nominated like Pacific Rim.
Was one movie more or less innovative than another? I don’t know.
I do know that the end result does not always tell the story of what
it takes to get there.
The film Gravity created some stunning work that has never been done
before on that scale and pulled it off flawlessly. The set extensions
in Lone Ranger were some of the best I’ve EVER seen. And did you see
the Star Trek into Darkness End Titles? AMAZING! I mean… Well…
The point is this: I think every person on the post side of visual
effects will probably be lost in the the controversy over wether or
not Leonardo DiCaprio wins or loses. But maybe we can all take a
moment to talk about the great visual effects shots you remember from
this past year! Leave a comment, maybe the artist who created it is