Worst Actor 2014 最爛男主角
Kirk Cameron 拯救聖誕 Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas
Nicolas Cage 末日迷蹤 Left Behind
Kellan Lutz 鋼鐵力士 The Legend of Hercules
Seth MacFarlane 百萬種硬的方式 A Million Ways To Die in the West
Adam Sandler 當我們混在一起 Blended
Worst Supporting Actor 2014 最爛男配角
Mel Gibson 浴血任務3 Expendables 3
Kelsey Grammer 浴血任務3 Expendables 3,
奧茲國的桃樂絲 Legends of Oz,
男人行不行 Think Like a Man Too and Trannies #4
Shaquille O'Neal 當我們混在一起 Blended
Arnold Schwarzenegger 浴血任務3 Expendables 3
Kiefer Sutherland 龐貝 Pompeii
Worst Actress 2014 最爛女主角
Drew Barrymore 當我們混在一起 Blended
Cameron Diaz 婦仇者聯盟 The Other Woman
愛愛上雲端 Sex Tape
Melissa McCarthy 譚美 Tammy
Charlize Theron 百萬種硬的方式 A Million Ways to Die in the West
Gaia Weiss 鋼鐵力士 The Legend of Hercules
Worst Supporting Actress 2014 最爛女配角
Cameron Diaz 安妮 Annie
Megan Fox 忍者龜:變種世代 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Nicola Peltz 變型金剛4 Transformers 4: Age of Extinction
Susan Sarandon 譚美 Tammy
Brigitte Ridenour (nee Cameron) 拯救聖誕 Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas
Worst Director 2014 最爛導演
Michael Bay 變型金剛4 Transformers 4: Age of Extinction
Darren Doane 拯救聖誕 Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas
Renny Harlin 鋼鐵力士 The Legend of Hercules
Jonathan Liebesman 忍者龜:變種世代 Teen-Age Mutant Ninja Turtles
Seth MacFarlane 百萬種硬的方式 A Million Ways To Die in the West
Worst Picture 2014 最爛影片
拯救聖誕 Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas
末日迷蹤 Left Behind
鋼鐵力士 The Legend of Hercules
忍者龜:變種世代 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
變型金剛4 Transformers 4: Age of Extinction
Worst Remake, Rip-Off or Sequel 2014 最爛重拍、惡搞、續集電影
安妮 Annie
阿特拉斯聳聳肩3 Atlas Shrugged #3: Who Is John Galt?
鋼鐵力士 The Legend of Hercules
忍者龜:變種世代 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
變型金剛4 Transformers 4: Age of Extinction
Worst Screen Combo 2014 最爛螢幕組合
任何兩位變型金剛,演員(或機器人演員)Any Two Robots, Actors (or Robotic Actors)
變型金剛4 Transformers 4: Age of Extinction
Kirk Cameron和他的自尊 Kirk Cameron & His Ego
拯救聖誕 Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas
Cameron Diaz & Jason Segel
愛愛上雲端 Sex Tape
Kellan Lutz和他的腹肌,胸肌和臀大肌
Kellan Lutz & Either His Abs, His Pecs or His Glutes
鋼鐵力士 The Legend of Hercules
Seth McFarlane & Charlize Theron
百萬種硬的方式 A Million Ways To Die in the West
Worst Screenplay 2014 最爛劇本
拯救聖誕 Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas
末日迷蹤 Left Behind
愛愛上雲端 Sex Tape
變型金剛4 Transformers 4: Age of Extinction
忍者龜:變種世代 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
the Inaugural Razzie Redeemer Award 2014 首屆金酸梅救贖獎
Ben Affleck
From RAZZIE "Winner" for Gigli to Oscar darling for Argo and Gone Girl
Jennifer Aniston
From 4-time RAZZIE nominee to SAG award nominee for Cake
Mike Myers
From RAZZIE "Winner" for Love Guru to Docu Director of Supermensch
Keanu Reeves
From 6-time RAZZIE nominee to the critically acclaimed John Wick
Kristen Stewart
From 6-time RAZZIE "Winner" for Twilight to the art house hit Camp X-Ray
從六座金酸梅獎得主(暮光之城),今年進入藝術領域(Camp X-Ray)
qazieru (=w=)
2015-01-14 15:32:00其實忍者龜不錯啊... 蠻好奇美國一面倒的覺得爛...
omit18 (胖海)
2015-01-14 15:34:00變型金剛要全包了吧
laechan (揮淚斬馬雲)
2015-01-14 15:36:00變4 不意外,婦仇者最爛的不是卡麥蓉啊是最年輕那個..
strray (promise means nothing)
2015-01-14 16:14:00進步獎XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
作者: remenberegg (蛋蛋) 2015-01-14 16:16:00
百萬種硬的方式 沒有那麼爛吧XD
作者: windowdoor (湯阿門) 2015-01-14 16:19:00
名單很矛盾 明明Blended都入圍最爛男女主 沒最爛組合
KYLAT (凱拉特)
2015-01-14 17:42:00最爛組合很多入圍都很惡搞耶……
wxtn (不一樣的聲音)
2015-01-14 18:32:00拯救聖誕是目前IMDB評價最爛的電影耶還入圍最爛組合: 男主角和他的自尊XDDDDD
作者: rickshi (異化與疏離 ) 2015-01-14 19:21:00
azzo (以 guest åƒè§€)
2015-01-14 19:22:00忍者龜就算不是很好看,也不至於入圍最爛
speed2 (祝平安.喜樂^_^)
2015-01-14 20:04:00忍者龜真的很爛 我租DVD都很難看得下去 造型很醜
mengwei (mengwei)
2015-01-14 21:03:00尼可拉斯,另類贏家
xan1053 (Kensi)
2015-01-14 22:40:00原來忍者龜評價蠻差...看了覺得也沒那麼爛吧
cappa (cappa)
2015-01-14 22:41:00百萬種硬怎可能是最爛 今年好笑的片不多了
MSme (MH)
2015-01-14 22:47:00百萬種沒入圍影片
s87269x (麵筋)
2015-01-14 23:22:00愛愛真的很爛!百萬種看預告就有B級片的感覺
作者: nang (起元) 2015-01-15 00:24:00
作者: jinroh (人狼) 2015-01-15 14:54:00