"Pacific Rim 2" was scheduled for release on August 4, 2017 but pushed back.
"The filmmakers, Legendary and Universal Pictures are committed to having
PACIFIC RIM 2, the sequel to 2013's PACIFIC RIM, which generated more $411
million at the global box office, be the vanguard, fully-immersive experience
that the franchise deserves," according to the official statement.
New reports say Charlie Hunnam, who played Raleigh, will not return for
"Pacific Rim 2."
Charlie Hunnam is tired of "Pacific Rim 2" being held up, according to
rumors. The script for "Pacific Rim 2" is in relative hiatus.
Charlie Hunnam is reportedly having trouble committing to "Pacific Rim 2:
Maelstrom." should it happen. Hunnam is reportedly being considered for the
role of the Green Arrow in DC and Warner Bros' "Justice League
環太平洋2原本訂好上演時間 後來電影公司改為上演日期未定
因為環太平洋2遲遲未能確定開拍上演檔期 很可能會放棄演出環太平洋2
心得:男女主角若都不回來 電影會如何