WMstudio (Wayne 韋恩)
2016-08-08 21:06:09※ 引述《s2657507 (KickYourArse)》之銘言:
: 目前自殺突擊隊在加州已經秘密辦了兩場試映會,
: 皆為片長一小時十五分鐘上下之未剪輯完成的作品,
: 但大抵上劇情走向已經確定,在reddit上已經有參與試映會的觀眾分享了劇情大綱
: 防雷頁
: 請自行斟酌觀看,以免影響日後觀影樂趣
: Amanda Waller decides to assemble the Suicide Squad on behalf of the United
: States government. Harley Quinn is arrested after Batman intervenes on a
: business deal between the Joker and a weapons dealer, Monster T, and ends up
: being recruited into the Suicide Squad alongside Deadshot, Boomerang, Killer
: Croc, El Diablo and Slipknot. Rick Flagg is assigned to lead them with Katana
: as his second-in-command.
: AW以美國政府組織的名義秘密組織自殺突擊隊進行任務。在蝙蝠俠干涉一場小丑和
: 軍火商Monster T的交易後,小丑女哈莉便被逮捕,並被徵召加入自殺突擊隊(成員名單略
: )
: Rick Flagg被派來領導小隊,Katana則是他的副手。
: Meanwhile, June Moon is possessed by the Enchantress and decides to revive
: her brother, the Incubus, and retrieve her heart, which is in Waller's
: possession. She attacks Midway City, filling it with monsters, and uses
: Monster T to host the Incubus. The Suicide Squad is sent to kill her, but end
: up being shot down by the Joker and his men, who want Harley back.
: 同時,June Moon被魅惑女巫附身且決定喚醒她的兄弟"Incubus"(預告裡地鐵那隻),並
: 奪回落於AW掌控中的心臟。 魅惑女巫招喚了一堆怪物攻擊Midway City,並利用
: Monster T來當作Incubus的寄主。自殺突擊隊被派遣去解決魅惑女巫,但是途中被小丑
: 和其部下的涉入而中斷,小丑的出現是為了搶回小丑女哈莉。
: After they're shot down, Slipknot tries to escape and is killed by a bomb
: implanted on his neck. The team transverses the city fighting monsters, and
: ultimately fights the Incubus in a subway station, while the Enchantress
: captures Waller. Diablo sacrifices himself to destroy the Incubus, and the
: team goes to rescue Waller. They fight the Enchantress in an abandoned museum
: and Harley destroys the heart, exorcising the Enchantress.
: 任務被迫中斷後,Slipknot設法逃走結果被植入在頸部的炸彈爆頭。自殺突擊隊最終在
: 地鐵站裡頭和Incubus決戰,AW則是被魅惑女巫抓住。Diablo犧牲了他自己並摧毀了
: Incubus,小隊則前往拯救AW。小隊隊員在一棟廢棄的博物館和魅惑女巫搏鬥,小丑女
: 打爆了她的心臟,驅逐了魅惑女巫。
: Waller still locks everyone up, but the Joker later breaks into the prison
: and rescues her. Movie ends with them locking eyes and smiling.
: AW在事後仍然將每個隊員監禁,而後小丑闖入了監獄並將哈莉救出,電影則是結束在
: 小丑和哈莉相視而笑的畫面。
: ***補充
: 阿蝙只出現在flashback 整體出場時間<10分鐘
: 小丑則是約莫在20~30分鐘
: 每個腳色的背景故事都有被介紹,其中包括小丑女哈莉的轉化過程。
: 另外幽默風趣的片段比預期中多很~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~多
特別是戲院版一開始很尷尬的小丑與Monster T橋段,
而這部我感到最可惜的就是Jared Leto了,
藥命俱樂部我真的只看的到Rayon,而不是Jared Leto,