yyhong68 (come every now and then)
2017-12-08 11:04:49原報導翻錯了阿
Warner Bros. is planning a shake-up and restructuring of its DC Films
operation following the box office disappointment of “Justice League,”
Variety has learned.
Jon Berg will be leaving his current job running the comic book’s film
production division, according to several sources with knowledge of the
studio’s plans. A search is underway for his replacement. Berg will
instead become a production partner with Roy Lee, the producer of
“The Lego Movie” and “It,” who has a deal on the lot.
Jon Berg將離開原職(漫畫電影製作部門負責人 ),
並去當Roy Lee的搭檔~
“This is something that Jon approached me about six months ago, and
he expressed his goal was to ultimately be a producer at the studio,”
Warner Bros. Picture Group President Toby Emmerich said in a statement
to Variety. “I first met Jon when, as a producer, he brought ‘Elf’
to New Line, which remains one of the best and most evergreen titles in
the library. We’re thrilled that Jon is partnering with Roy and
anticipate their company being a valuable source of movies for Warner Bros.
and New Line.”
「我第一次遇到Jon,他當時是個製片,他將 精靈總動員帶到新線影業,到目前還是
,這仍然是最好的和最常青的標題之一。 我們很高興喬恩和羅伊合作,預計他們的
Warners is expected to name a new person to run point on DC's films.
Geoff Johns, who has partnered with Berg on much of the creative
direction of the movies, is expected to continue serving as DC
Entertainment's chief creative officer. Johns, who reports to DC
president Diane Nelson, works in areas such as television (and has
written various episodes for DC-inspired shows), publishing, and
consumer products, in addition to his contributions to the films.
Going forward, his work on the films may evolve, and could be more
advisory in nature.
華納將換宣布新人選。Geoff Johns和Berg一起搭檔負責電影創意方向
他將向DC的President Diane Nelson報告,將持續負責DC相關影視的內容。
These people also say that Emmerich is weighing the idea of further
integrating DC's film operations into the studio's main movie arm.
That would entail putting the divisions under the same roof rather
than having DC remain in a separate building on the lot, sources say.
Marvel, which is owned by Disney, does operate its comic book film
division autonomously, but other studios, such as Fox and Sony, produce
their superhero films under the studio's banner.
消息來源表示 Emmerich在考量把DC電影的作業融入電影公司的主要電影部門裡。
The DC overhaul is expected to happen by January.
Warner Bros.' corporate leaders at Time Warner support the moves and
are said to be unhappy with the financial performance of "Justice League."
The film was intended to be DC's answer to Marvel's "Avengers," uniting
the likes of Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman under the banner of a
team of world-saving superheroes. With a budget reported to be as high as
$300 million, it represents an expensive bet. After three weeks of release,
it has managed to gross $570.3 million worldwide. In contrast, the first
"Avengers" film racked up $1.5 billion. The studio did have a number of
successes this year with "Wonder Woman," "Dunkirk," and "It," which has
helped offset the disappointment of "Justice League."
Berg and Johns were intimately involved in the production. Berg
essentially decamped for the film's London set, and both men have full
producer credits on the picture, which would likely not be the case on
future movies. "Justice League" suffered from a difficult birth. An early
version, directed by Zack Snyder, alarmed studio executives with its
dark tone. That had been the knock on Snyder's two previous DC films,
"Man of Steel" and "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice." After his
daughter committed suicide, Snyder eventually left the production before
it underwent costly re-shoots. Joss Whedon, who had been brought on the
punch up the dialogue, took over directing, but studio brass recognized
that so much footage had been shot already that there were limits to
what could be done to improve the picture. Studio executives realized
early on that Snyder's decision to have Steppenwolf, a god-like, all-CGI
creation, as the principal antagonist was faulty. In fact, many reviews
were particularly harsh about Steppenwolf, criticizing the character for
being one-note and the product of unconvincing visual effects.
There are no immediate plans for Snyder to direct another DC movie,
though he is producing or executive producing several, including
"Wonder Woman 2" and "Aquaman." Warner Bros. continues to have a production
deal with Snyder, so it's possible he could direct additional films for
the studio. Time Warner is said to be frustrated that Warner Bros. leaders
continue to bring the director back, especially after "Batman v Superman"
was excoriated by critics even though it made money. They are also upset
that each new DC film seems to be making less money than its predecessor.
Only "Wonder Woman," with its optimistic heroine, managed to be both a
critical and commercial success.
While Ben Affleck is expected to appear as Batman in a standalone Flash
movie, it is highly unlikely he will don the cape and cowl in Matt Reeves'
planned standalone Batman movie. The director is said to want to cast
the role with fresh talent, according to sources.
Warner Bros. believes that "Justice League" succeeded in one importantly
respect: it effectively introduced Flash (a quippy speedster played by
Ezra Miller) and Aquaman (the king of Atlantis, portrayed by Jason Momoa).
A solo "Aquaman" is due out in 2018 and Warners is still developing a
standalone Flash adventure. Going forward, Warner Bros. is planning a
sequel to "Wonder Woman" that's believed to be set in the Cold War, and
New Line has greenlit a "Shazam" feature.
Jon Berg是華納兄弟電影公司 Prodction的 Co-President,目前正搬離其在Burbank
的Executive辦公室到 Lee公司的辦公室
(Burbank是華納兄弟片廠, Warner Bros. Studio,所在地,Lee的公司也在WB片廠內)
Jon Berg, Warner Bros. co-president of production and Justice League
producer, is exiting the executive suites on the Burbank, CA lot for
another office, that of Lego Movie producer Roy Lee’s production partner.
Warner Bros. Pictures Group president Toby Emmerich is expected to name
a new executive to run point on DC films in the near future.
※ 引述《SuperKMT (鼠輩)》之銘言:
: 新聞網址:https://geek-base.toy-people.com/?p=2473
: 華納兄弟電影部門將對DC電影團隊進行改組
: 新聞來源:Variety
: 據傳由於正義聯盟票房與評價上的失敗,華納兄弟電影公司將會讓DC娛樂產業的電影負
: 責人之一,也就是將老牌電影製作人 Jon Berg 給替換,並改由樂高電影宇宙的亞裔負責
: 製作人 Roy Lee 取代,不過創意總監仍然還是 Geoff Johns,因為他對DC的漫畫、影
: 集和電玩項目都統合的還不錯。
: 在 BVS 的電影評價有點受到打擊後,Jon Berg 與 Geoff Johns 就被華納兄弟影業指定
: 擔任DC娛樂產業的電影宇宙負責人,所以現在換人的原因據傳華納兄弟影業總裁是以方
: 便整合到更大的業務為由來做的,如果這件事情屬實,那麼這個新組合的正式上任會在明
: 年1月開始~
: ==
: 原來被換掉的不是華納,而是DC啊