1. Miles&Bonus改名為Miles+Bonus
2. New Mile+Bonus將在2014/11/24正式上路
3. 新增[銀卡]等級=星空銀卡(原[藍卡]已不再有星空銀身份)
4. 新增全家桶(Together)
但將比照"新進金/銀卡"辦理,達成即有金/銀卡會籍。 (11/24前衝到20K還是有金卡的)
Current Gold members will be automatically transferred to the Gold Tier,
regardless of their past flight activity.
◇新進藍卡◇ 新申請之會員
◎新進銀卡◎ [連續12個月內] 12000m+兩段A3/OA 或 24000m *A
↓ (可買Tier Mile晉級金卡,能買多少還不知道)
☆新進金卡☆ [連續12個月內] 24000m+四段A3/OA 或 48000m *A
To move up to the next tier, you need to collect the required amount of Tier
Miles and take the required number of flights within 12 months from your
earliest recorded flight activity.
To upgrade from Blue to Silver Tier, you need to collect 12,000 Tier Miles,
including 2 flights with AEGEAN and/or Olympic Air, or collect a total of
24,000 Tier Miles regardless of which airline you choose to fly with.
To upgrade from Silver to Gold Tier, you need to collect 24,000 Tier Miles,
including 4 flights with AEGEAN and/or Olympic Air, or collect a total of
48,000 Tier Miles regardless of which airline you choose to fly with.
●銀卡保級● [連續12個月內] 8000m+兩段A3/OA 或 16000m *A
↓ (可買Tier Mile保級銀卡,能買多少還不知道)
★金卡保級★ [連續12個月內] 12000m+四段A3/OA 或 24000m *A
(可買Tier Mile保級金卡,能買多少還不知道)
◆親友分享桶 金/銀卡會員當組頭,最多可再加到5位親人或朋友
Award Mile - 統一到組頭帳戶
Tier Mile - 仍是各自累積