CS MS 如果你已經有碩士學歷的話這兩年 UC基本都是不收的
UCSB還是可以丟 可是好像沒看到人有碩士學歷還是有上的..
Thank you for your interest in the School of Engineering at UC Irvine. Since
you currently possess a masters degree, the school recommends you apply to a
PhD program. We typically do not admit students for a second masters program.
Additionally, you may be able to transfer two courses into the program, but
it is not guaranteed and highly dependent on the program, but as previously
mentioned we recommend you apply directly into the PhD program.
當然凡事都有例外 錢多的話就丟吧
但是EE轉CS 還是找那些有專門開給EE轉的CS PROGRAM的學校吧
CS MS的競爭激烈到難以想像... QQ
※ 引述《stillboy (joey)》之銘言:
: 大家好
: 小弟已有EE學士+碩士學位
: 目前想申請UCSD, UCI, UCLA 的 CS MS
: 但查了板上資訊始終無法確定這幾間CS MS是否會擋EE碩學歷
: 寄信問了系辦對方也都沒有回QQ
: 而且都寄了不只一封
: 沒辦法只好來問板上有經驗的大大們
: UC系列學校CS MS是否會擋EE碩學歷呢?
: 謝謝