cerwe85 (crew)
2019-02-21 15:47:26Program: PhD in Finance, 2019 Fall
申請季意外提早結束了 趁還有時間趕快發文
˙UChicago Booth, PhD in Finance
(5-year full tuition, student health insurance,
student life fee, stipend $42K/yr)
˙Columbia, PhD in Finance
(5-year full tuition + health insurance + stipend $40K/yr)
˙U of Rochester, PhD in Finance
(5-year full tuition + health insurance + stipend $33K/yr)
Chicago Booth, Columbia, Rochester, USC Marshall (withdraw after getting Booth
offer), BC(withdraw after getting Booth offer)
Rejection: Stanford, Harvard, MIT, Yale….
Pending: LBS, Princeton, Duke, NYU
Decision: TBD 如果有建議非常歡迎> <
˙HBSc, specialist in Economics and Mathematics, University of Toronto
(with major in Statistic) 2015/09 - 2019/06
GPA (overall): 3.99
˙Math courses taken:
Intro to Real Analysis, Linear Algebra, Probability, PDE, Stochastic Processes,
Econometrics, PhD level Empirical Methods
Summer Research Internship at Columbia 2018/5-2018/8
Research Assistant at Rotman 2016-2017
Test Scores:
GRE V:162(91%) Q:169(96%) A:4.0(59%)
TOEFL: 112 (R:30 L:30 W:24 S:27)
Honors and Awards:
Toronto Rotman Finance Professor x2 (Assistant, Associate)
Columbia Business School Finance Professor X2 (Full professor, Associate)