2021-07-22 10:00:41南加大國際學院 [線上講座]: 生物化學與分子醫學理學碩士 - 助你實現事業目標!
南加大國際學院 (USC International Academy, USC IA) 的一系列線上講座, 7/28 (三)
邀請到醫學院 2 位教授, 將介紹 “生物化學與分子醫學 (Biochemistry and
Molecular Medicine)” 碩士課程, 以及該課程如何幫助你達成事業上的目標.
活動免費, 英語進行. 歡迎各界報名上線參加.
[主題] 生物化學與分子醫學理學碩士 - 助你實現職業目標
How a MS in Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine from USC can help you
achieve your career goals
[時間] (台) 7/28 (三) 上午 10:30
[報名] https://forms.gle/ejwAoYm298Hh89ik9
* 主講 (1): Judd Rice, Ph. D.
- Associate Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine
- Director, Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine Master's Degree Program
- https://keck.usc.edu/faculty-search/judd-christopher-rice/
* 主講 (2): Pragna Patel, Ph. D.
- Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine
- Director of Instructional Practices and Curriculum
- https://keck.usc.edu/faculty-search/pragna-i-patel-2/
* 南加大生物化學與分子醫學碩士課程 (MS in Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine
Program) - https://keck.usc.edu/biochemistry-and-molecular-medicine-program/
* 南加大國際學院 USC International Academy (USC IA) -
https://international.usc.edu/ (提供非學位課程, 包括英語加強, 碩士預科等)
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