[考題] 105桃園市國小英語 Q.

作者: Mieke (慟...)   2016-11-25 21:05:25
3. Hundreds of people laid ______ to the President Palace,
protesting the sharp increase of hosing prize.
(A)staple (B)spire (C)spectrum (D)siege
不曉得"hosing prize"是什麼意思?
28.Information and communication technologies provide an
alternative ___ the environmental and economic nightmare.
(A)to (B)in (C)for (D)of
我以為provide後面要跟for 後面是名詞啊 為什麼要選(A)呢?
32.We should (A)pay attention to (B)the short of water
(C)before the dry season (D)comes.
the short of 是要改成 the shortage of才對嗎?
34.He (A)claims that he (B)tells (C)my fortune by (D)reading my palm.
(B)的tells應改成told還是has told呢?
39.Our students, raised during an era of (A)heightened
environmental concerns, (B)having initiated many projects
geared (C)toward making the community (D)itself a better place.
有勞板上高手們解惑 感謝
作者: waynefuture   2016-11-26 15:00:00
3. 應該是誤植, 推測本來可能是housing price28. provide sth for "sb"; alternative "to" sth:表示某物的替代品;依本句語意,選C不太合理
作者: svng72 (一簑煙雨任平生)   2016-11-26 16:21:00
32. the 名詞 shortage 短缺 這樣改沒錯34. told或has told都可 that子句的時間比主要子句更早39. raised...concern是主詞的形容詞子句 have才是動詞

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