[名人] 有一位the L word的演員結婚了

作者: NancyBotwin   2020-02-15 20:53:31
然後2019年在podcast上大談婚姻跟自己在the L word的角色
還有the L word讓她出櫃
Kate Moennig 已婚了
私以為透過the L word才開始性別認同也太慢了吧
她不是演過young american
套句Alice的話 “That kid doesn't know she's gay?"
From the podcast:
RuPaul: Did you always know you are a lesbian?
KM: I grew up Catholic, and i went to Catholic school for 13 years,
so i wasn't really in an environment to explore that,
especially at that time, in the 80' and the 90'
M: Was it all girls?
KM: My high school were all girls
M: Wow , that could help..
KM: No, and now, i believe if i was at high school,
i see it more, back then, that shit did not exists.
And i really , i didn't think about it so much in high school ,
and then oddly enough when i got the L word,
that's where my wheels started turning..
RuPaul: So were you dating guys before that?
KM: I dated plenty of guys before that
RuPaul: So Catholic high school, and then you were dating guys,
but it never cross your mind
KM: I just, what cross my mind was, maybe, you know, they were really cute,
i can appreciate their beauty, why i just don't care.
But i didn't know what that was.
I dont have the vocabulary for it yet....
that's why its strange how the L word came
into my life, when it really,
initially it was just a job,
but its like reshape...
the first time i was in an environment,
it was so welcomed, and discussed,
and everyone was open and pride and confident
M: So it nurture it
KM: I have never seen that before
M: how wonderful is that
KM: it's amazing, like all those women are my family til the day i die.
They are my people. I love them.
RuPaul: How did you meet your wife?
KM: How do we meet? (Oh her wife was there)
作者: ginwala (Love always wins)   2020-02-15 22:53:00
作者: NancyBotwin   2020-02-16 00:07:00
RuPaul: what's the Tee , episode221
作者: lescafe   2020-02-16 01:08:00
https://i.imgur.com/zIwm8ir.jpg 她的太太 AnaRezende,來自巴西獨立樂團CSS
作者: nocamera (rose)   2020-02-16 22:57:00
Wow ! 好消息! 兩位顏值都超高!
作者: fly2105 (sheng)   2020-02-17 15:50:00
作者: zofu (zofu)   2020-02-18 10:29:00
作者: SouKazuho (Objection!!!!噗)   2020-02-18 23:12:00
https://youtu.be/DM04axEVFAg不知道這裡有沒有大大分享過2017年的這個訪問,主持人超好笑,Kate(Shane)多次上過這個節目還是被主持人逗笑到合不攏嘴。主持人問:真不敢相信,L Word已經幾乎是十年前的事了。在那之後再也沒有作品能夠拍出一群美麗的LA拉子的群像,這群人整天最多的就是時間。Kate:XDD主持人:你最喜歡的sex scene是哪一場?Kate:真的嗎?你真的要問這個嗎?Kate:我不知道。 主持人:yeah,你知道的。 Kate:我真的不知道,都十年了。 主持人:是,但...如果是很好的,你會記得。(XDDD)Kate:我不知道... 主持人:可能是Carmen對吧?(硬要講XD)由Sarah Shahi飾演。 Kate:我愛Sarah,好啦如果一定要講一個讓你滿意的,我會說她是最容易合作的(sex scene對象)。 主持人:是哦,怎麼個最容易法?(打蛇隨棍上)Kate:過了這麼久你還是沒變....後面主持人就說到有很多show都重開了,你會不會想說 LWord也有機會重開?Kate就說有機會的話我當然會很想參與Kate就說我相信Leisha Hailey(Alice)和JB(Bette)也會有興趣。 主持人:那我們還在等什麼XD主持人說我們會很有興趣看到步入中年的Shane會是什麼樣子呢?Shane跟人家3P到一半,閃到腰?(Kate:我不想花一整天的時間拍攝這個)Shane認真考慮加入401K(退休金提撥計劃)?....然後跟她的會計師OOXX後面很多超展開劇情設想,都非常好笑,特別是那個Shane戴著老花眼鏡走進一間果汁店跟店員說Take your pants off 的台詞,笑到流眼淚,如果我沒OP的話,推薦給大家。就...沒想到 L Word 重開,不到兩年後真的成真了...
作者: modjo (Sammy Sammy Oi Oi )   2020-02-19 17:12:00
謝謝分享 不過樓上S大其實可以直接回一篇:D
作者: NancyBotwin   2020-02-19 19:52:00
作者: fly2105 (sheng)   2020-02-20 00:46:00
作者: SouKazuho (Objection!!!!噗)   2020-02-20 21:07:00
不好意思啦本來只是想說貼個連結就算了XDD真的建議去看她演"Take your pants off"的片段,媽啊要是我我也會...(你想幹嘛)
作者: Freeheld (扣押幸福)   2020-02-21 22:38:00
作者: SouKazuho (Objection!!!!噗)   2020-02-22 20:20:00
作者: innocent94 (叫我堂主!!)   2020-02-26 14:30:00
請問"Take your pants off"的片段是哪部影片?想看 XDD
作者: Freeheld (扣押幸福)   2020-02-26 18:58:00
作者: b3y1e7 (BDsauce號:)   2020-10-07 02:38:00

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