[筆譯] 1.3_筆_英譯中_文章_約700_20170926

作者: bonvivant (claire)   2017-09-25 00:05:51
[必]工 作 量: 約700字(請載明字數,或估算大約總字數。違者直接刪文。)
[必]工作報酬: 每英文字台幣1.3元
[必]涉及語言: 英譯中
[必]所屬領域: 醫學-精神醫學-創傷後壓力症候群的症狀
[必]文件類型: 例:論文摘要/期刊/書信。
[必]截 稿 日: 20170925決定,希望20170926交稿,故為急件。
[必]應徵期限: 20170925
[必]聯絡方式: 站內信
[必]付費方式: 先付訂金500元,交稿後7天內付清餘額。
[選]試 譯 文: When sufficiently vivid (Cheyne, 2010), the intruder and incubus experiences may be misinterpreted by the patient as threat and assault experiences respectively. The vestibular-motor (Cheyne, 2010) hallucinations include sensations of linear and angular acceleration, described as spinning, falling, flying, floating, or a sense of being thrown or pushed, for example a PTSD patient described often waking up with a feeling that her body was being hurled out of the window.
作者: bbflisky (Mr.bbflisky)   2017-09-25 00:31:00
作者: a0010 (hello~)   2017-09-25 01:25:00
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