Dadai123 (Dadai)
2019-01-08 13:31:23──────────────────────────────────────
[必]企業/組織全名:艾格科技有限公司, www.xcreativemedia.com
[必]負 責 人:高秀美
[必]地 址:台北市和平東路一段77號9F-1
[必]電 話:2322-3110
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[必]報酬計算:每原文字新台幣 0.8 元以上
1. 需使用網路翻譯平台 Wordfast Anywhere (有中文簡易操作手冊)
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[必]聯 絡 人:Stella
[必]聯絡方式:[email protected]
1. Besides inclusions, cutters also have to consider color distribution,
and many gems have uneven color distribution. For example, sapphire and amethyst
rough commonly contain strong bands of color parallel to the crystal faces.
2. Most cutters finish large, important stones as mixed cuts, usually in
oval, antique, marquise, or pear shapes. Many colored stones are cut as
squares or baguettes. Small, good-color emeralds are often cut this way for
use in channel settings.
3. Marble’s iron content is low, so rubies that originate in marble
(called “marble-hosted” by gemologists) lack iron, most are pure red
with an absence of brown modifying hues. Marble-hosted rubies
typically fluoresce red under sunlight and long-wave ultraviolet light.