[必]工 作 量: 1780字(請載明字數,或估算大約總字數。違者直接刪文。)
[必]文件類型:期刊(例:論文摘要/期刊/書信。* 專業文類必須符合對應最低費率要求
[必]截 稿 日:5/20 23:00
[必]應徵期限:5/20 18:00
[選]參考段落:Klinger and Knapp (2003) embrace intersectionality’s potential
for the building of “grand” theory, but argue that on the structural level t
he term is unable to identify how and by what means race, class and gender as
separate categories are constituted as social categories. (提供部分段落讓譯者
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