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1. With the rapid advance of communication and networking technologies, many
devices connect to the Internet. That leads to the concept of IoT. To develop
different IoT applications, many web cloud platforms are proposed to provide
data col- lection, aggregation, and application. For example, IoTtalk [1],
IoT Core (Amazon Web Services), Cloud IoT Core (Google Cloud) are the web
platforms for IoT. However, cloud-based web services cannot apply to all IoT
situations. In addition, the academia and the industry pay much attention to
security issues of IoT with the growth of IoT. The paper proposes the IoT
Framework to deal with the problems.
2. With recent changes in wireless communication ecosystem,
the demand for using web services continues to increase,
Cisco’s technical white paper [1] predicts that future mobile
data traffic has been growing explosively in recent years, in
other words, users are increasingly unable to tolerate low QoE
(Quality of Experience). Besides, nearly 50% of mobile data
traffic will belong to video streaming applications. In typical
mobile video streaming of the existing 4G infrastructure,
users’ packets must be transmitted through the base station,
backbone network and then to the core network. The inherent
4G architecture cannot tolerate such a large amount of video
traffic in the future. To address this challenge, European
Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) has proposed
a promising technological paradigm, mobile edge computing
(MEC) [2], which can be combined with the 4G network
architecture to effectively reduce latency and network traffic
congestion by providing computation and storage capacity
from core network to edge network. In particular, MEC
server, which operates as local content delivery node and
serves cached contents. In this paper, we build the MEC
architecture for video streaming, and deploy our proposed
machine learning models for video popularity prediction in
the MEC server.
[選]試 譯 文:(100-200字,並不超過全文1/10。嚴禁私下試譯。若未提供請勿刪除)