cleverme (cleverme)
2016-06-24 17:04:20[每日]
As your career dreams continue to unfold, Aquarius, you may find that there is
a downside. First, there are new responsibilities and you might doubt your ab
ility to fulfill them. Second, you might find yourself catapulted into the unc
omfortable realm of office politics. Don't let these matters put a damper on y
our enthusiasm. You have what it takes to fulfill the first concern and the wi
sdom to avoid the second. Onward and upward.
Although you often prefer to eat when you feel gloomy, it may be better to arr
ange to go out with friends for an evening of fun and entertainment. The curre
nt astral energy indicates that if you are looking for love, you may meet some
one with the right potential in a social setting. But nothing will happen if y
ou stay at home and watch television.
Your patience has paid off and finally you are reaping the rewards of the hard
work you have been doing. Don't stop now! Today is a good day to plant the se
eds for future success, but don't forget to stop and reward yourself for how f
ar you've come.