Aries horoscope for Jun, 26, 2014
Out with the old, in with the new.
Oh, wait a minute - this is the middle of the year,
and we usually reserve that phrase for the beginning of a new year.
But that's okay, Aries,
because for you this is like a whole new beginning.
You need to take stock of where you are and where you think you're going,
and then free yourself of unnecessary burdens,
toxic relationships, and worries that are dragging you down.
When you do, you will feel lighter and uplifted,
and you can start anew at reinventing yourself.
There is much you can accomplish this year,
but to pick up the new, you must put down the old and negative.
DKUP (溫柔的大姊姊)
2014-06-26 00:06:00推 很需要那種煥然一新的感覺啊!+1推 唐立淇 好準
作者: laieting (eting) 2014-06-26 00:17:00
推 唐立淇 年初還不相信,現在發現超級準!!!
作者: p0003601 (石油) 2014-06-26 00:50:00
推 希望新的嘗試有全新的收穫
作者: theye (Momiji) 2014-06-26 01:02:00
推 reborn
DKUP (溫柔的大姊姊)
2014-06-26 01:08:00大叔好man好搶手!
作者: Icestorm (小朋友) 2014-06-26 01:19:00
作者: enjoy77412 (wuli TOP) 2014-06-26 01:21:00
推 唐立淇 超準~~
作者: young22 2014-06-26 01:46:00
推 現在正覺得煥然一新哈哈 心情好好
作者: rplofc 2014-06-26 02:17:00
推 把老舊、負面東西放下
g800321s (Lindada)
2014-06-26 02:53:00七月是新開始,希望一切順利呀!
qi3qi3 ( 少,但是更好)
2014-06-26 08:08:00沒有煥然一新的感覺@@ 難道今天會發生什麼事嗎?剛剛被朋友的消息嚇了一大跳!!! 這算煥然一新嗎
pdex (平)
2014-06-26 09:12:00準備迎接7月的前幾天
作者: neinei (蛤?) 2014-06-26 14:40:00
推!!!真的超需要除舊換新啊! 雖然事情過得這麼糟,但是體認很多事情,感覺有長一智了,希望我能放下所有不好的過去與憤怒,大家一起加油~
qi3qi3 ( 少,但是更好)
2014-06-26 16:09:00剛剛把和前男友的line對話刪掉了,雖然早就已經不在意,但是也不知怎麼地,就覺得要刪掉有點心理障礙...
推~ 剛畢業離開學校真的是新開始心裡卻還是被很多問題和煩惱拖住希望能順利解決一切,繼續向前!!!!!
去年買了唐姐的書看了當下沒感覺 看了這篇回去翻她的書整個超準的阿...