cppwu (肩膀痠痛 ..)
2016-11-23 10:52:16[媒體名稱] 彭博社 Bloomberg [新聞日期] 2016-11-22
[網址] https://www.bloomberg.com/gadfly/articles/2016-11-22/
縮址: http://tinyurl.com/j6ag93s
In a victory for free markets, if not aviation safety,
the traveling public did what regulators failed to do:
ground Taiwan's oldest civilian airline.
作為自由市場的勝利, 當監理無法確保飛安時, 旅遊大眾會自行確保飛安:
(GE222/GE235 事故部分省略, 板眾都很熟了)
Even before that fatal day, Taiwan Aviation Safety Council records
showed a string of other incidents where transgressions occurred.
Eventually, months after the July crash, the Civil Aeronautics
Administration became so concerned about the risks from pilots
rushing through safety checks that it took the unprecedented step of
imposing minimum waiting times specifically for TransAsia and
its ATR pilots, to take effect January 2015. TransAsia pleaded for a
delay of implementation and the CAA acquiesced.
在致命的那天(GE222)前, 台灣的飛安會紀錄上, 已有興航一連串因違規
而在事故發生的七月的幾個月後, 民航局終於開始對飛行員因趕著
完成 safety check (按: 縮短 turn around time) 而造成的風險,
從 2015 年一月起, ATR 飛行員需導入最低等待時間, 而且, 只針對復興航空,
然而, 復興航空要求暫緩實施, 民航局也默許了.
Five weeks later, on Feb. 4, a further 43 people died after, once again,
factors including poor training and the failure to observe standard
practices led to a second ATR hitting an elevated freeway and crashing
into a Taipei river. The pilots wouldn't have met the new minimum
wait period. It's impossible to know whether more time would have helped
them be better prepared for the engine failure that happened minutes later.
五個禮拜後的二月四日, 另外 43 個人喪生了.
訓練不良和未遵守標準程序等因素, 又造成第二架 ATR 撞擊高速公路後墜入台北河.
飛行員們並未滿足新的最低等待時間, 當然, 是不是把準備時間拉長,
就可以避免飛行員們對幾分鐘後發生的發動機失效有更好的準備, 已經無從得知.
Even after that February crash, the regulator didn't pull TransAsia's
license, instead ordering the airline to send its pilots for more training.
二月失事後, 監理單位還是沒有吊銷興航的執照,
(後面有討論 TNA 的 load factor, 還有用降價策略促銷,
In the end, safety-conscience passengers did what regulators wouldn't,
but it took two fatal crashes and more than 90 deaths to get there.
最終, 重視飛安的乘客作了監理單位辦不到的事, 但代價是超過九十條人命.