我的教練叫我把 PPL 考照的紀綠寫下來, 好讓其他的學生可以參考(X)猜題(O).
我在考試之前把前面學科測驗讀過的 King Schools PPL 地面課程, 以及 ASA 的 PPL test prep 都大致複習了一遍. 然後把 FAR/AIM 相關的章節也都看了一遍, sectional chart 上的符號也盡可能全部記起來.
這邊先貼上口試部份, 飛行術科之後再貼上來.
Before the test, DPE asked to draft an XC flight plan with 3 passengers on a summer afternoon with 100 degrees Farenheit, 30% chance of thunderstorm. Return will be after dark. GPS has issues intermittently.
I calculated weight and balance in 2 different alternatives:
- Everyone onboard : can only have roughly 1 hour of fuel, way too risky.
- Only take 1 passenger, the rest drives : can have 5 hours of fuel.
I drafted the flight plan and navigation log flying across VOR (GPS can’t be trusted with given condition). Called 1-800-WX-BRIEF to get wind aloft information. Computed WCA, CH, ETE, fuel burn for each checkpoint. I also logged all frequencies be used along the flight, and all relevant information of the aiports (elevation, TPA, runway layout, runway lengths, how to enter traffic pattern).
I also picked one alternative landing airport, and put all relevant information on the nativation log.
Paperwork check:
DPE asked me to briefly introduce myself and why I wanted to fly. I guess it’s to make sure I have no trouble in English conversation.
Reviewed all of my paperwork: IACRA form, ID, student certificate, medical, logbook, written test, SSN. I also brought my passport to verify my birthplace but it wasn’t checked.
Reviewed maintenance records of the aircraft, and AROW. He asked me to show the latest entries of annual inspection and 100 hours inspection. In the annual inspection, ELT had been marked to be serviced soon, so I also showed the entry where ELT had been properly serviced recently.
DPE logged the IDs of tests I failed in the written test to prepare the questions for oral exam.
Oral exam:
- PPL requirements:
- Documents: ID, current medical, pilot certificate
- Flight review
- Does IFR checkride count as a flight review? Yes.
- Do you need to bring your logbook with you as a PPL? No.
- Do you need to bring your logbook with you as a student pilot when you fly solo? Yes. To show you have proper endorsements.
- What paperwork do you need in case you have to fly an aircraft after annual inspection is overdue? Apply for a ferry permit.
- Reviewed my XC flight plan:
- Requirements to carry passengers?
- 3 ToL in the last 90 calendar days.
- Night: landings should be full stops.
- Asked me about the rationale of not flying GPS direct. GPS is acting up.
- Are VOR radials true or magnetic? Magnetic.
- Where can we get weather information? 1-800-WX-BRIEF, aviationweather.gov, ForeFlight.
- Asked me how I computed fuel burn. Cruise altitude -> pressure altitude based on the weather report -> find relevant tables in the POH.
- Asked me where to look for checkpoints I specified. In my navigation log I marked L/R to guide me look left or right.
- As PIC do you think we should make the trip? No, the weather puts too many uncertainties into the equation. Also I have too little nighttime flying experiences (return trip would be after dark).
- What are the alternatives? We can always drive.
- What are the lights needed for night-time flying? anti-collision light, nav light, landing light. Find them in A TOMATO FLAMES FLAPS.
- How are the nav lights positioned? Red on the left wingtip, green on the right wingtip, white on the tail.
- How do you determine the flying direction of other traffic in the sky? Showed him some examples of how nav lights look like in the sky.
- What’s your personal minimum on fuel reserves? Extra 30 minutes is legal minimum and I’d go with 1 extra hour.
- What’s your personal minimum on the weather? VFR minimum is 3000’ ceiling and 5sm visibility. I would go with 3000’ ceiling and 10sm visibility.
- On airspaces / VFR sectional charts:
- Altitude for VFR flights? Above 3000 AGL, odd thousands plus 500’ MSL for magnetic course 0-179, even thousands plus 500’ MSL for 180-359.
- Restricted airspace / prohibited airspace.
- Underline in VOR frequency : no voice capability, look it up in the legend of VFR sectional chart.
- What is the airspace near KSAT? class C.
- What equipments do you need in class C? two-way radio + mode C transponder.
- What is the airspace near KEDC? class D.
- What equipments do you need? two-way radio.
- What is the airspace on the surface of a magenta-colored airport? class G.
- What is the ceiling of class G airspace of this airport? 700 AGL because there is a magenta ring around it.
- What is the ceiling of class G airspace of this other magenta-colored airport? Because there is no magenta ring around it, so class E airspace abuts it begins at 1200 AGL.
- On a flight to KSJT, you have to divert due to bad weather, which airport would you go? Picked one public airport near it.
- Do you have enough fuel to get there? After measuring distance with plotter and computing fuel burn, yes.
- Can you get fuel there? No tabs on the VFR sectional chart so there might not be fuel service, but after checking Chart Supplement we can find there is indeed fuel service in that airport.
- On aircraft performance:
- DPE gave me a couple of parameters and asked me to compute the density altitude and takeoff distance over 50’ of obstacles with full gross weight and 10kts headwind for a Cessna 172R.
- Compute pressure altitude from altimeter setting and field elevation.
- Used E6B to compute density altitude from pressure altitude and OAT.
- Use POH to find takeoff distance. The result is more than 3X of normal takeoff distance.
- What indicated airspeeds do you fly in a traffic pattern there? Same indicated airspeeds.
- What about true airspeeds and ground speeds? Higher.
Till this point, DPE said he is satisfied with the oral exam. The weather was still bad in low-IFR condition with light drizzle, so I decided not to fly. DPE said it’s a good call. We picked another day to continue the test. And we walked to the ramp and I showed him how I do pre-flight checks.
Another aircraft happened to be serviced by A&P so the cowling was removed. DPE asked me a couple of questions about it:
- Where is the magneto? Identified both manetos.
- Where is the vacuum pump? Identified it.
- What is this big gear? Starter gear.
- What is this belt? Alternator belt.
- What is this thing? That was a round shape device supported by a black strut on the right side of the engine close to the firewall. I told him I don’t really know and he said it was fine.
Pre-flight checks:
On the ramp I started to conduct pre-flight checks on the aircraft. Since we were not actually going to fly he asked me not to remove the tie down straps.
- Removed the sunshades and mentioned the windshield would have to be cleaned when we actually fly.
- A flat spot was found on the left main wheel, but it was fine.
- How many fuel drain holes are there? 13. Also briefly explained how the fuel system works.
- How much oil is needed? 6 quarts to 8 quarts is the safe range, minimum 5, maximum 8. Normally we keep it at 6.
- What happens if the fuel cap is off during flight? Fuel indicator high.
- What direction would the airplane turn when the left aileron goes up? Left.
- What happens to the right aileron when the left aileron goes up? Goes down. Produces more lift, and more drag. Induces adverse yaw to the right. Need to compensate with rudder to the left to maintain coordinated turn.
- What are you checking for those stabilizers? Make sure all nuts and bolts are securely fastened so the stabilizers are securely attached on the empennage. Make sure the stop bolts for horizontal stabilizers are installed. Also make sure the rods connecting to the yoke and rudder are securely connected.
- What are the antennas on the vertical stabilizer? VOR antennas.
- What are the small wicks on the vertical stabilizer and horizontal stabilizers? I don’t really know and I asked if I can make an educated guess. DPE said ok and I guessed they are used to dissipate electrostatic charges. He said it was a good guess.
- How do you make sure you did all the required checks? I’ll verify with the checklist.
Till this point DPE mentioned he is satisfied and we shook hand and departed. Later in the evening he sent me a Letter of Discontinuance, and I will need to bring it the next time we conduct the actual flying test.