※ 引述《xdanielzero (海陸兩用體育長宵夜型態)》之銘言:
: 來源 : 暴雪英霸FB
: http://blizz.ly/2hBX6lI
: 預告的截圖
: http://i.imgur.com/StuUulE.jpg
: 巫妖王又有仇人來到萬象界域啦XDDD
改一下 確定是祖爾金
然後30分鐘一更新是三小 托台錢喔...
[Trait] Berserker
Zul’jin gains 1% Attack Speed per 1% of missing Health.
Zul’jin can activate Berserker to increase the damage of his Basic Attacks
by 25% at the cost of 2% of his maximum Health per attack.
每少1%血多1%攻速 主動使用的話 每次普攻消耗2%血多25%普攻傷害
[Q] Grievous Throw
Zul’jin throws an axe forward, dealing damage to the first 2 enemies hit and
marking them for 8 seconds. Marked enemies take 50% bonus damage from Zul’jin
’s next 3 Basic Attacks against them.
[W] Twin Cleave
Throw 2 axes in a large circular arc, dealing damage and slowing affected
enemies by 15% per axe for 2 seconds.
[E] Regeneration
Zul’jin channels to regenerate 25% of his maximum Health over 4 seconds.
Moving or taking damage while channeling will interrupt this effect.
4秒內回25%血量 需引導 移動或受到傷害會中斷
[R1] Taz’dingo
Zul’jin is Unkillable for the next 4 seconds, and cannot be reduced to less
than 1 Health. Taz’dingo!
塔斯丁狗 4秒內無法被擊殺 血不會低於1
[R2] Guillotine
Zul’jin throws a massive guillotine into the sky that crashes down on
enemies in the targeted area. The lower Zul’jin’s Health, the more damage
it deals.
向天空丟出巨大斷頭台對目標區域造成傷害 祖爾金血越少傷害越高
第一隻老兄可能沒有華麗的特效 但技能組設計我覺得很經典 就是老兄該有的樣子
預計2017一月推出 可惡 想買