ya98747 (願眾生平安喜樂資糧具足)
2016-08-23 11:14:35日常生活中怎麼修習菩提心?
Q: Dear Rinpoche, how to practice and cultivate bodhicitta in daily work life and also how to meditate on bodhicitta?
A: During your activities, you cultivate love for your friends, your parents, your teacher, your country. For example, think about the love you have for your parents, or the love you have for your friends. Think about their good qualities, and when you think about their good qualities, you think that they are so special and so precious and so love arises.
Think about the kindness of the teacher, of your countries.For example your teacher introduces you to karma, cause and effect. If you know that, then you will be able to tolerate the difficulties now and in the future you will be able to create causes of happiness which is bodhicitta. So, all the spiritual teachers are very precious. But even worldly teachers are very important for example, they teach you how to drive, they teach you how to make a business or teach you anything about this world. So, they
are actually also very special, very precious. Think about their kindness and think that all teachers are the same. For example, love your teacher, love your spiritual teacher, and think that all my teachers are kind.
Think about the kindness of your mother; without your mother, you will not have a precious human body. Think how it will be if I were born as an animal, and now of all these beings, I am a human being. What a kindness is that! So cultivate love and remember the kindness of your mother. If you think about it this way, slowly your love will increase.
If you look at the fault of others, the anger increases more and more. Any time, whenever you see that person, anger arises. If you think about the qualities of others, the love increases and the self-grasping diminishes. In the end you will have great love and self-grasping has disappeared. So, if you always think “may I benefit sentient beings”; if this always remains in your mind, then you have finally cultivated real bodhicitta. All selfishness has been cleared away; day and night, all the time,
you only think about sentient beings. You can continue to engage in your daily activities but then your mind should never be separated from the wish to benefit others. If that always remains in your mind, then you have cultivated the relative bodhicitta.
Bodhicitta actually means love and compassion. For example if a friend gives you a gift, you are very happy, right? So you like your friend, and when that friend has difficulties, then you want to help them because you love them. That wish to help them is compassion. Thinking that “he is such a good friend and he is so precious”, then that is love. When he has difficulties and problems, and you want to help him then that is compassion. This state of mind of love and compassion are very precious.