[請益] unreasonable

作者: bwhmj (....)   2018-08-27 01:01:34
The people in that religious community invited my father to the gathering days
They knew that the woman my father had affair with would be there.
They thought that their affair’s over so my father could go there to join the
I want to cry. Why those people don’t understand what temptation is?
I think they are too naive and pure …
Human hardly can resist seduction and temptation…
What should I do?
作者: buddhanature (應無所住,而生其心~!)   2018-08-27 10:51:00
You tried to figure out what had happened and not pretended that nothing happened. It was positive. It is reasonable to me.First, let go of your anger and if you don't want to linger on this off and on, you can find aquiet place to meditate, and just cry if you don't want to be trapped by your emotion. When youfind a peaceful heart maybe two days later, reason with your father and tell him what you feelabout this. See what you can do to help him andwhat you can do for your mother and this family.ITemptation is not a demon.demon reveals itself when one succumbs to temptation. Good luck to you and your family.

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