※ 引述《Sinreigensou (神靈幻想)》之銘言:
: FGO被酸沒遊戲性也不是第一天了
: 不過我很好奇遊戲性到底怎麼定義?
: 是系統很複雜需要巧思操作
: 還是除了主線可以玩的東西很多
: 或是劇情引人入勝、角色魅力驚人
: 還是開大絕:你營收多少(館長調)
: 是不是要定義一下遊戲性惹
Playability is the ease by which the game can be played or the quantity or
duration that a game can be played and is a common measure of the quality of
Playability is defined as: a set of properties that describe the Player
Experience using a specific game system whose main objective is to provide
enjoyment and entertainment, by being credible and satisfying, when the
player plays alone or in company. Playability is characterized by different
attributes and properties to measure the game player experience.
具體可分爲:Satisfaction滿足感 Learning學習性 Efficiency遊戲效率
Immersion沉浸感 Motivation動機度 Emotion情感度
再細分還有收集性 動作性 益智性 創意 探索 成長 管理 PvP PvE等等