arrenwu (鍵盤的戰鬼)
2025-02-09 09:47:12※ 引述《arrenwu (最是清楚哇她咩)》之銘言:
: Link: https://bit.ly/4aSyRIA
: Thank you for your continued patronage of the hololive production OFFICIAL
: SHOP (hereinafter referred to as "our Shop").
: 感謝您對Hololive官方商店的持續支持
: Please be informed that for all orders requiring shipment outside of Japan,
: Global-e Japan K.K. (hereinafter "Global-e") serves as the merchant of record
: and handles all international transactions on behalf of our shop.
: Holo官網商店一直都是透過 Global-e Japan K.K. (Global-e) 處理海外訂單交易
: Particularly for orders shipped to the United States, orders under 800 USD
: have been exempt from customs duties.
: 其中,送往美國的商品,在 800 USD 以下一直是免關稅的
: We would like to bring to your attention an important notification we have
: received from Global-e regarding changes to U.S. customs duty collection
: procedures.
: 現在我們必須請您注意一則我們從 Global-e 收取到的關於美國關稅的訊息
: In accordance with recent modifications to U.S. trade policies, effective
: February 6, 2025, at 1PM (GMT), customs duties will be collected at the time
: of purchase for all orders destined for U.S. addresses, including those
: transactions that were previously exempt from such duties.
: 因應美國於 2025/02/06 1pm (GMP) 的關稅策略調整,
: 對於送往美國地址的訂單將會增收關稅
: Additionally, we have been informed that for orders where customs duties were
: not previously collected at the time of purchase, instances have occurred
: where the delivery carrier (DHL) is requesting payment of customs duties from
: customers upon arrival of packages in the United States.
: 除此之外,我們還收到通知,對於之前沒有收取關稅的訂單,
: DHL會對此類訂單收取關稅支出
: We kindly ask customers to comply with these customs duty payment requests.
: 我們懇請您務必遵循關稅支出的要求
: As U.S. trade policies continue to evolve, we are committed to keeping our
: valued customers informed of any developments that may affect your shopping
: experience.
: 美國關稅策略一直都在變化,我們也會不斷地提醒哪些會影響您的購買體驗
: We will provide timely updates as new information becomes available.
: 如果有新訊息,我們也會即時更新。
: We thank you for your understanding and cooperation regarding this matter.
: 感謝您的理解與配合。
同一公告的 最新更新:
(update: February 8, 2025, 14:45(GMT))
It has been revealed that the suspension of the tax exemption measure for
packages valued under 800 USD in U.S. has been postponed.
In response to this postponement, Global-e, the seller handling all
international transactions on behalf of our shop, has informed us that as of
21:06 AM (GMT) on February 7, 2025, the collection of customs duties at the
time of payment will be temporarily suspended.