vikk33 (陳V)
2022-06-07 12:47:53天龍國高等文人們最期待的事情:「中華民國台灣」=中國民主化的「最後證明」
'Taiwan is the best proof, that a society belonging to the Chinese cultural
space, can be successfully democratised.'
Formosa, as a nation state denied its nationhood by China, appears as no more
than a proof that the Old Chinese Empire can be democatised by the modern
Liberal Ideal.
Formosa 必須扮演起「華人社會民主化的物質性證物」的角色,強迫 Formosan 必須
becoming Chinese。
但您會說 Ukrainian 必須 becoming Russian 嗎?
I am not sure you got my point, which was that we need to preserve and stand
up for a free society like the Taiwanese one. That there historical, cultural
and other links between China and Taiwan is undeniable and yet this does not
mean that the two belong politically together.
You should probably read better what I wrote because you keep making
completely different arguments than mine…
And you should read what I wrote closely as well.
Do you think the Russian empire can be democratized? If not, how about China?
Your argument just seems to mistake an Oriental Empire with a modern
nation-state such as Formosa.
Sorry, Formosa cannot prove anything for Chiná.
Do you have any serious theory of "the democratization of the Oriental
Empire" for Russia and Chiná ?
Please look for the proof that the Chinese-style Word-Empire can be
democratised elsewhere, but not from Formosa.
If you can demonstrate that both the Russia Empire and the Chinese Empire
can be democratised, with international trades or anything, good luck for
然後,lâng-kóng (有人講):
We have learned a great lesson from the Russo-Ukrainian War. Pre-modern
empires disguised as modern nation states cannot be democratized without
Talking about a free China is like talking about a free Roman Empire or
Ottoman Empire, which is pointless.
Góa ê khòahoat (看法):
Yes, the only way out for you is to deny China is a pre-modern empire
disguised as a nation state. And then you can keep your wishing thinking
The proof for the possibility of the democratisation of the Chinese empire?
You just need to point your finger to Chiná Taiwan.
Just curious. Can you name some elements from Chinese culture which helped
Taiwan transforming into a democracy? AFAIK Chinese culture elements/thoughts
are the main blockers in the transformation, even till today.
And someone said:
'Taiwan is the best proof that if you want to be successfully democratized in
Asia, you have first not to be Chinese. "Chinese culture" is definitely the
most considerable burden in building a successful democratic society.'
「 這位人士對台灣的基本認知真是大錯特錯。
Góa ê kiat-lūn (結論):
Democracy in Formosa cannot prove that the Chinese empire can be democratised.
In fact, Taiwan proves that de-sinicisation is the necessary condition for
democratisation in the Asian World.
Note: “ (後)-Tè-kok (帝國)” ê ko-sū (故事)"
Imperial myths and genocidal realities: 100 days of Putin’s Ukraine War.
"A post-imperial Russia"? No, we just need a post-imperial Muscovy.
Someone said:
‘Russia has only existed as an empire, post-imperial Russia is nothing more
than self-contradiction.’
Yes, indeed.
And the same can apply to the notion of a "post-imperial China". But it is
still too early to talk about these issues, since the Western people,
especially those thinking themselves as 'post-Orientalists", maintains that
China is not an empire, so that they can keep intact their "Chinese Dream".
Hō(予) ta-ke (逐家) chham-khó (參考):
'美国全球主义者,全世界华人,和中国共产党共同制造出来的“long march to
「後帝國的故事」已經啟動。這是我們在2022年反思 64 的最終收穫與最大教訓。
Lán (咱) ū-iá(有影) ài (愛) hó-hó (好好) khai-sí (開始) siá (寫) “
(後)-Tè-kok (帝國)” ê ko-sū (故事)", bô-lūn (無論) sī “Lōsea (Russia) sè-kài (世界) ê āu (后)-tè-kok (帝國) ko-sū (故事), á
-sī “Chiná (支那) sè-kài (世界) ê āu (後)-tè-kok (帝國) ko-sū (故